How does your tan last longer?

If you have a tan, you usually want to keep it as long as possible. For some people the brown color lasts for weeks, for others it is gone after a few days. You can of course use the tanning bed to stay tanned longer or to become even tanner, but you can also do a lot before, during and after sunbathing in the sun to stay tanned for longer. With the tips below you can do a lot yourself to preserve your tan for longer.

A beautiful brown color

How annoying is it when you’ve been on holiday, you’ve gotten a nice tan, but a few days later you see yourself getting whiter again? Most people like to have a nice tan and want to keep it for as long as possible. You can use the sunbed to stay tan longer, but this is of course not healthy to do often and for long periods of time. This will damage your skin and cause wrinkles much faster. But even without a sunbed you can stay tan a lot longer. By properly preparing and caring for your skin, you can keep your tan a lot longer.


Exfoliate your body about 24 hours before sunbathing. By scrubbing you remove your superficial dead skin cells and this allows the sun to reach a deeper layer of the skin. If you sunbathe without exfoliating, the dead skin cells first dry out, they fall off and then the layer below can become brown. When the tanned dead skin cells fall off, the tan literally falls off. By exfoliating you speed up the skin renewal process a bit. Do not exfoliate less than 24 hours before sunbathing and not more than once a week to prevent damage to your skin. After scrubbing, your skin is very sensitive and if you immediately go into the sun you will burn much faster.


Protect your skin from the sun with a sunscreen. People are often afraid that they will no longer tan if they apply a factor, but this is not true. Of course, a sunscreen with factor can slow down the tanning process a bit, but you still get a tan and your skin is well protected. Nowadays there are also many sunscreens available that contain special tan-accelerating ingredients. If you have sunscreen, you are much less likely to burn. If you burn, you will start to peel and with that your tan will also disappear. So if you apply good sunscreen, you kill two birds with one stone: you are protected from the sun and your tan lasts longer.

Prepare your skin

If your skin is used to the sun, you burn less quickly and tan faster. If you don’t burn, you will also peel less quickly and therefore keep your tan longer. If your skin never comes into the sun, never just sunbathe for a long time. You can prepare your skin by sitting in the sun occasionally or you can get your skin used to the sun by using a sunbed. This will prevent you from burning if you suddenly go sunbathing, but your skin will also build up pigment faster and therefore get a tan faster.

After sun

You should also take good care of your skin after sunbathing so that it does not become dry. Apply after sun after sunbathing. This keeps your skin hydrated and supple, you will peel less quickly and therefore your tan will last longer.


If your skin is dry, you burn and peel faster. Take care of your skin regularly with body lotion, for example, so that it is always well hydrated. Hydration from within is also important. Drink enough, especially if you are really going to sunbathe.

read more

  • The benefits of the tanning bed
  • How do you get a tan as quickly as possible?

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