Appear younger by unlearning bad habits

We all want to appear younger. Nobody wants to look old. There are a number of habits that allow you to add a number of years to your age over time. Turning back the clock is no longer possible, but what habits should we unlearn as quickly as possible to prevent us from looking older than we are?


The sun is the biggest culprit when it comes to skin aging. A tan is nice, but too much sunbathing causes wrinkles, pigment spots and reduced skin elasticity. Skin aging is caused by damage to collagen and elastin. Pigment spots are often a reaction of the skin to too much sun, just like freckles. You can prevent sun damage to your skin by always applying sunscreen to your face and ensuring you get enough vitamin C. Vitamin C ensures that the skin becomes less sensitive to the influence of the sun.


Smoking is aging factor number two. It is extremely bad for your skin. This gives it an ugly pale tint and wrinkles deepen, especially in the lower half of the face. This is because smoking affects the collagen and elastin in the skin. Research into twins conducted by Case Western Reserve University showed that the smoking half of the twin was estimated to be older than the non-smoking half in 57 percent of the cases.


Two glasses of alcohol or more every day causes your skin to sag because less collagen is produced. This also causes wrinkles to form more quickly. In addition, people who often drink too much regularly have visible thin red capillaries in the face, on the cheeks and around the nose. This is because alcohol dilates blood vessels, causing them to burst and eventually become permanently damaged.

Lack of sleep

Bags under your eyes, drooping eyelids and a pale complexion make you appear tired, older and somewhat pale. This way you add a number of years to your age. We all know this, but what is less known is that too little sleep causes an increase in cortisol in the long term. This causes more pimples and also reduces the production of hyaluronic acid. This acid ensures that the skin is hydrated. Too little production makes the skin dry and dull. Going to bed late a few nights causes bags under the eyes and fatigue, but often going to bed too late causes irreversible aging of the skin.

Too little exercise

It is not only important for our weight to exercise a lot, our skin also benefits from this. Our body is bathed in good blood circulation and exercise is necessary for good blood circulation in the skin. Good blood circulation ensures a fresh, healthy appearance. Waste products are quickly removed through sweating and do not have the chance to cause damage. In addition, a lot of exercise ensures strong and flexible muscles, which makes your body look tighter and younger.

Too many sugars and carbohydrates

Too many carbohydrates are also converted into sugars and too many sugars in the body leads to glycation. The sugars bind to proteins and this results in inflammatory reactions, cell damage and aging. When it comes to aging, don’t just think of wrinkles and pigment spots, early graying can also be caused by glycation. According to the World Health Organization, people should get less than ten percent of their daily calories from mono- and disaccharides.

Drinking too little

You should drink at least 1.5 liters every day, preferably water. Moisture ensures the removal of waste products and hydration of the skin. Some people drink too little and the skin is often a bit dry and dull. These people also often suffer from dry lips. In addition to dry skin, drinking too little also causes fatigue, restlessness, dizziness and headaches. So make sure you get enough fluid.

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