Pain during urination in women: causes & treatment

Pain during urination is a problem that many women regularly suffer from. Urinary complaints in women include experiencing a painful stinging sensation that can also be a burning sensation. Having frequent urges and being able to produce only small amounts of urine is also a characteristic symptom. Causes of pain during urination in women are diverse, ranging from bladder infections to chronic bladder pain syndrome. Good intimate hygiene and maintaining a natural balance of the female body are important requirements to prevent any urinary complaints. What can you do as a woman against painful urination, and what tips can be useful?

Pain during urination in women

An unpleasant phenomenon that has affected many women is pain during urination. Urination in itself is a simple natural act, but when it is accompanied by pain, it can suddenly become a lot more difficult. A burning , stabbing pain when urinating can be the result of several causes and varies in degree of severity. Some ladies regularly suffer from a painful urination sensation, while others never or hardly suffer from urination problems .

Symptoms of urinary complaints in women

Women’s descriptions of the symptoms of painful urination vary. People often speak of an intense pain that gradually disappears and returns, or a pain that gives a stabbing feeling. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it gives you chills. A burning sensation after urination is a common complaint. Along with these symptoms, you may experience frequent urination in small amounts and blood may appear in the urine (hematuria). The feeling that you need to urinate urgently and that only a small amount of urine comes out is also a possible symptom, as are abdominal pain and fever.



Cystitis is one of the most common causes of painful urination in women. Due to their physical characteristics, women are more likely to develop a bladder infection than men. After menopause, women are more vulnerable to bladder infections because the production of hormones that protect the woman against bacteria has decreased. A serious form of bladder disease is bladder cancer , for which specific cancer therapies will be used.


  • urinary tract infection
  • chronic bladder pain syndrome
  • chronically overexcitable bladder
  • vaginal inflammation
  • fungal infection
  • STDs (including chlamydia)

Treatment of urinary pain in women

The doctor will suggest treatment depending on the specific cause of the pain during urination. In most cases of painful urinary complaints, antibiotics will be the appropriate treatment. Antibiotics fight infections caused by bacteria. Furthermore, treatment of serious conditions associated with urinary pain can be proposed in consultation with a gynecologist, urologist and psychologist. Specific physiotherapy is a possible treatment, especially when exercising the pelvic floor muscles , and can be used together with medication treatment.

Tips against urinary complaints

Intimate hygiene

To prevent possible urinary problems, it is recommended that you as a woman take precautions during sexual relations. Prevention is better than cure is the classic message. Drinking mineral water regularly also helps to remove waste products from your body through the urinary tract. Finally, it goes without saying that good intimate hygiene is part of general care for your body. Especially since as a woman you are more vulnerable than a man to contracting an infection that leads to bladder infections.


Dietary supplements that support the urinary tract can be useful to prevent any urinary complaints. Because the kidneys, bladder and ureters receive extra support, waste products will also be removed better. This reduces the risk of infections and the associated painful symptoms. In addition, there are also supplements on the market that are specifically useful for the natural balance of the female body.
Some examples of this are:

  • Bacilac Femina
  • Flower Woman & Balance
  • Femina Care

read more

  • Bladder infection: causes, risk factors & treatment
  • Blood in the urine: causes & treatment of blood pee
  • Urinary problems: is holding your urine unhealthy for the bladder?

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