Leaky gut syndrome, nutrition with a porous intestinal mucosa

The intestinal wall is lined with intestinal mucosa with a filtering effect. This mucous membrane does not allow substances that are pathogenic to the body to enter. When the intestinal mucosa is inflamed, the mucosa becomes porous. As a result, the filter cannot function properly and all kinds of substances are admitted into the body that can cause both psychological and mental damage. The intestinal mucosa has become porous and in such a case we speak of a leaky intestine, leaky intestine or leaky intestine syndrome. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.

Cottage cheese is good for a leaky gut. / Source: FASTILY, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)


  • Nutrition against leaky gut syndrome
  • Villi
  • Causes of leaky gut syndrome
  • Medicines as a cause
  • Diseases due to leaky gut syndrome
  • The beginning of many diseases
  • Fatigue and leaky gut syndrome
  • Fiber and butyric acid
  • The recovery of the intestinal wall
  • Which foods help with leaky gut syndrome?

Nutrition against leaky gut syndrome

You can combat leaky gut syndrome with nutrition. At the bottom of this article are a number of nutritional products that help with leaky bowel syndrome. You can turn to some meat products that contain a lot of glutamine, but these have the disadvantage that they also contain many substances that are allowed to pass through a damaged sheet pile wall. You can recover faster with glutamine-rich food such as biodynamic yogurt. Please note that organic yogurt is not good enough; there is a difference between organic and biodynamic products.


The intestinal wall contains protruding parts called villi. These villi produce enzymes that we need for proper digestion. If the intestinal wall is damaged, the villi no longer function optimally, resulting in fewer enzymes being produced. This makes our food digest less well. You should see it as that the protrusions, villi, significantly increase the surface area of the intestinal wall. Because these villi lose their function, the intestinal surface area decreases and thus the ability to absorb nutrients from our food.

Causes of leaky gut syndrome

There are various damages that the intestinal wall can suffer. It may be inflamed, irritated or prolapsed. In all these cases, the intestinal wall works less well. Often a combination of factors takes place. The causes of reduced intestinal wall function are:

Brussels sprouts are good for leaky gut. / Source: Richard Webb, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-2.0)

  • Too little fiber-rich food
  • Too much sugar
  • Too much flour and white flour products
  • Poor liver function
  • Too many fermentation processes
  • Too little enzyme production
  • Not good intestinal flora
  • Too many parasites such as worms
  • Food allergy
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Use of tobacco and other drugs that undermine the body
  • Taking medications
  • Ingesting toxins such as pesticides and herbicides on fruits and vegetables
  • Deficiency of natural nutrients

Sometimes leaky gut syndrome has unexpected symptoms: you are tired and have a headache.

Medicines as a cause

As you can see, there are many causes of reduced intestinal wall function that can be prevented. When it comes to medications, it is best to stop taking the contraceptive pill, antacids and aspirin. The last two in this list are medicines that can be sold over the counter, without a prescription, which gives the illusion that they are safe. Nothing is less true; the drugs are only available for free sale after a lengthy lobbying procedure by drug manufacturers, but they have serious side effects. Ibuprofen, antibiotics and NSAIDs are also not recommended. Of course, in extreme cases you sometimes need a course of antibiotics, but most doctors prescribe this far too quickly. A prednisone treatment can also completely disrupt the gastrointestinal system.

Diseases due to leaky gut syndrome

It is important to realize that all kinds of diseases can arise due to reduced intestinal function. This is how mental illnesses can develop. Some foods, such as wheat and dairy products, contain morphine-like substances, gluten morphine and casomorphine respectively. These can trigger depression and even psychosis. In addition, there are all kinds of problems such as fatigue, skin complaints, digestive complaints, headaches and fibromyalgia. Leaky gut syndrome can also lead to Crohn’s disease and colitis, two serious intestinal diseases that are almost impossible to get rid of. Inflammatory diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and arthritis can also occur more easily when the intestinal wall does not work optimally.

The beginning of many diseases

The causes mentioned above rarely occur in isolation. Often a patient with leaky gut syndrome has multiple causes that he or she meets. It is important to rule out a number of causes so that the problem is resolved. Leaky gut syndrome is a serious condition in itself, but it can also lead to a number of other diseases, as we saw above. That is why it is good to recognize the problem at an early stage and do something about it through nutrition and elimination of causes.

Fatigue and leaky gut syndrome

Fatigue occurs in patients with leaky gut syndrome because the immune system is constantly busy repairing the intestinal wall. Sometimes a protein is not digested properly and the immune system sees this as a threat. The protein is deactivated via an inflammatory mechanism. Other substances are also digested more poorly, which means that the immune system is continuously busy requisitioning energy to repair the intestine. Because most people do not continue to eat well, or continue to drink alcohol, smoke cannabis or smoke, the problem is only exacerbated. This can ultimately lead to a state of chronic fatigue.

Fiber and butyric acid

Eating fiber produces butyric acid. Butyric acid is used by the cells of the intestines to protect themselves. This means that inflammatory processes can spread less quickly. Ultimately, this also reduces the risk of colon cancer and other diseases caused by inflammation at the cellular level. It is important to get enough selenium to absorb butyric acid. Three Brazil nuts contain enough selenium for the whole day. You can eat five or six Brazil nuts to replenish a selenium deficiency.

The recovery of the intestinal wall

The intestine can be repaired with nutrition. Glutamine, vitamin D, zinc and food products that stimulate intestinal flora (probiotics) in particular can help restore the intestinal wall. Foods that contain inulin, such as asparagus, onions, Jerusalem artichoke, banana and yam are products that you could take to stimulate intestinal flora. A herbal therapist or orthomolecular nutritional therapist can help you with the diagnosis and drawing up a menu for the right one

Parsley is good for leaky gut. / Source: Donovan Govan., Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

food products.

Which foods help with leaky gut syndrome?

Foods such as all coconut products and sprouted legumes are extra good against leaky gut syndrome. Spinach, cabbage and parsley contain a lot of glutamine, which you need to build up a disturbed intestinal wall. There is also a lot of glutamine in raw milk and raw milk products such as ricotta, yoghurt and cottage cheese. The milk products labeled Demeter in the health food store come closest to the raw milk products of the past. In addition, all dairy products from the supermarket should be avoided for at least 14 days, as should soy products, wheat products, alcohol, anything containing sugar and all yeast products. That’s called the elimination diet. It’s a temporary diet. Once the intestinal wall has recovered sufficiently, you can slowly start eating these products again.

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