Overcome your pregnancy ailments; nausea

Nausea, surely the most well-known and infamous pregnancy ailment. If the positive pregnancy test initially brought with it a euphoric feeling, after a few weeks it will have less pleasant consequences. The first time you run to the toilet may be a memorable moment. Of course you feel weak and nauseous, because hanging over a toilet bowl is just not nice. At the same time, this is also the ultimate confirmation that you are pregnant and you are secretly proud of that. Some expectant mothers feel paralyzed for nine months and succumb to one pregnancy ailment after another. Another person has no problems whatsoever, apart from some nausea in the first few weeks. What causes this? Hormones, and in particular the hormone HCG. Hormones play a role in every woman to a greater or lesser extent and in the unlucky ones they dominate the body for nine months, resulting in many pregnancy ailments. Fortunately, we don’t have to settle for what our hormones do to us and we can start the fight.

(Morning) nausea

This way you wouldn’t have any problems and you could hang it above the toilet or sink in one go in the morning. For some, a daily ritual that is sometimes repeated several times a day and, in the worst case, also throughout the pregnancy. For the lucky ones among us, this happens rarely to only a few times during the first three months of pregnancy. Nausea does not always only occur in the morning. The term morning sickness is therefore not entirely justified, but it is hopeful if you hope to only experience it in the morning. You can bite the bullet, lie on the couch in your pajamas with a hot water bottle and try to find satisfaction in your daily nausea. Fortunately, you can also read through the tips below and see how you can take action and make something of your day again.

Eat snacks regularly

Eating while feeling nauseous? It may indeed seem a bit strange, but it is one of the best remedies for nausea. The trick is to keep your stomach moving and you do this by eating small portions regularly. When you go out, make sure you always have something to eat on hand. Think of a league, Sultana, crackers or a slice of gingerbread. Try to find out which snacks fill you up and keep your nausea at bay. Some people swear by licorice, chips or filled cakes, while for others fruit, a sandwich or a cup of soup are effective.

Eat before going to sleep and before getting up

Before you go to bed, eat a large peanut butter sandwich and drink a glass of milk. This way your stomach has something to do at night and you will feel less nauseous at night and in the morning. When you get up in the morning on an empty stomach, the movement of your body will upset your stomach, resulting in that familiar feeling of nausea. Also try to eat something before you get up. Place some crackers, egg cakes or slices of gingerbread next to your bed in the evening and eat them while you are still in bed. Be sure to take your time with this new morning ritual, because you are not fooling your body. Lie down for another ten minutes after you have eaten something and then get up quietly.

Other remedies

If the above tips are not effective (enough), you can also try this:

  • Peppermint: Some women benefit from eating mints for nausea. Smelling peppermint oil or peppermint tea can also have a positive effect.
  • Lemon: Anything that has to do with lemon can help you with your nausea. Think of a lemon slice in your water or on your salad, smelling a cut lemon or simply sucking on a lemon slice. Other citrus fruits also work well.
  • Ginger: Eating ginger, smelling it or taking ginger pills all work well against nausea. Ginger tea is also tasty and quickly made; two teaspoons of grated ginger root in a cup of boiling water. You can add some honey or lemon juice if desired.
  • Popsicles: Suckling on popsicles is tasty and it also helps against nausea. You can get them ready-made or make them yourself.
  • Drink enough: This is certainly important if you also have to vomit a lot.

Other tips

A few more tips regarding your daily activities:

Lie down and do nothing!

Unfortunately, it is not for everyone, but if you do have the luxury, take advantage of it. Lying comfortably (quietly) on the couch with a cup of tea and a magazine helps combat nausea.

Can’t stand food smells?

Then get ready-made meals. The disadvantage is that they are quite pricey. A cheaper alternative is to look sweetly at your mother, sister or friend and ask them to make some extra food for you. If you’re having a good day, prepare extra food and freeze it. If you do feel nauseous, you can easily warm up something from the freezer.

Find distraction

Immerse yourself in a good book or listen to music on your MP3 player. This way you don’t have to think about your nausea for a while.

When nothing helps you

If the above tips have no effect on you, you can always call your doctor. There are various tablets that your doctor can prescribe that can suppress your nausea. Of course, you can also call your doctor directly and combine the tablets with the above tips.

It will be better

In the second three months the placenta has developed. The placenta takes over the tasks of the hormone HCG, causing it to slowly decrease. The decreasing HCG ensures that the nausea decreases.

read more

  • Overcome your pregnancy ailments
  • You are pregnant! And now?

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