What is the best silver shampoo?

What is the best silver shampoo? Silver shampoo is often used by the elderly to revive gray hair, but also for bleached hair. For example, to treat bleached hair that has turned yellowish, or to revive the color of blond hair. Rod Granny-Hair also came into fashion in 2016. Young people then dye their hair silver gray. Silver shampoo is also a product that keeps the gray color fresh for longer. People who use or want to use silver shampoo often wonder what the best silver shampoo is.

What is the best silver shampoo?

Knowing what the best silver shampoo is is like knowing what the best hair dye is. To judge what the best silver shampoo is, you first need to know what you think are the most important properties of a good silver shampoo.

  • the effect of the silver shampoo on your hair.
  • the color effect on your hair.
  • how long the color lasts after washing the hair again.
  • the price of the silver shampoo.

All brands of silver shampoos can actually be called ‘good’ if they do what they are supposed to do: give your hair a silvery color; compensate for the yellow glow on bleached hair; revive the color of naturally gray hair; preserve the color of gray dyed hair.

Depending on your hair color, they have the desired effect to a certain extent. For example, if you have very bleached hair, with porous hair strands in between, silver shampoo can appear bluish on your hair. If you have bleached hair that is in good condition and a conditioner has recently been used, the effect may be minimal. In both cases you can blame the effect on the silver shampoo, while it actually depends on your hair whether the final effect is to your liking. Silver shampoo that is translucent in the bottle may not be as effective as silver shampoo that is truly blue in color in the bottle.

How do you use silver shampoo?

Silver shampoo is used like any other shampoo, as a means of washing the hair. However, you should only use silver shampoo if you want to influence your hair color, such as:

  • bleached hair with a yellow glow
  • gray dyed hair to keep the gray paint color as long as possible
  • on hair that is naturally gray

Is silver shampoo bad for your hair?

Silver shampoo is not so much bad for your hair, but not really good either. It (usually) does not contain any caring substances, but it does contain substances that can make your hair dry. Your hair will then become a bit coarse from silver shampoo. Because it can make your hair dry, a conditioner is recommended. There are also conditioners that also have a silvery effect on your hair color.

Which silver shampoo is the cheapest?

House brands of silver shampoo are usually the cheapest. It does depend on how much is in a bottle, so you should also pay attention to the quantity when you compare prices.

Where can you buy silver shampoo?

For private label silver shampoo, you can look at supermarkets that also sell hair care products, and at the larger drugstores. The best-known brands are also available on the internet.

What color does silver shampoo make your hair?

Silver shampoo should liven up blond hair, or reduce yellowish or orange hair in your hair. It basically has the following effect:

  • on bleached hair – your hair gets a pearly glow.
  • on yellow (bleached) hair – the hair becomes less yellow and looks blonder.
  • on orange (bleached) hair – the hair becomes less orange.

How long should it be absorbed?

Depending on the strength of the silver shampoo, it will take less time to be absorbed. So the stronger the silver shampoo works, the less time it takes before you have to rinse it out again. Read the instructions on the bottle and find out the best time for your hair. This depends on the shampoo and the color of your hair. But the condition of your hair also determines the effect of the silver shampoo. If your hair is heavily bleached and porous, silver shampoo can temporarily turn your hair blue or purplish. This goes away by washing the hair with regular shampoo. With heavily bleached hair, it is not reasonable to leave the shampoo in your hair for more than eight to ten minutes. After using silver shampoo, it is advisable to use soothing hair care products.

Blue or purple hair after use?

Is your hair blue or purple after using silver shampoo? You can then wash it again immediately, but you can also decide to give your hair a rest for a few days and then wash it out with regular shampoo. Sometimes a few washes are needed to wash out all the blue or purple, but in principle the blue will almost always be washed out with regular shampoo. The blue silver shampoo is not a dye, but the color does penetrate into porous hair. If you have very fragile dyed hair, some strands may remain stubbornly bluish, even after several washes, but this is an exception. It is better not to use the product for a while.

Famous brands

Well-known brands are:

  • L’Oreal Silver Shampoo.
  • Schwarzkopf Reflex.
  • Bleach Blonde, by Lee Stafford.
  • Guhl VItality Silver Shampoo and Hair Mask.

read more

  • Silver shampoo, how does it work?
  • Treat yellow dyed hair with silver shampoo
  • Dye your hair or get a color rinse?
  • Grannyhair hair trend. Dye your hair gray?

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