Super trendy: pimp your Venus mound

Body decorations using ink and jewelry have been around for centuries and are becoming increasingly popular with young and old. Body parts that are not visible to the eye are also enhanced with decorations such as crystals and ink. More and more women are choosing to (temporarily) pimp up their mons pubis with different techniques.

The Venus Hill

The Mount Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love, Venus. The mons pubis is triangular and located at the very bottom of the abdomen in a woman. It is a kind of “pillow” on which pubic hair grows and serves as a cushion during sex. The Mount Venus has been depicted by many painters since ancient times, with a remarkable detail: in almost all cases they are bald mounds without pubic hair.


One of the simplest ways to pimp up the mons pubis is by shaving the pubic area . You can choose from different models:

  • Bikini line
  • Figure such as a small triangle, circle or heart
  • Brazilian dash (vertical stripe)
  • Hollywood (smooth)

Dye pubic hair

Very special: giving the pubic hair a different color. Just like head hair, it is also possible to dye pubic hair . However, it is advisable to use special paint for this. This has been specially developed to color the pubic area and will therefore cause less irritation. You can choose from natural colors such as black, brown and blonde, but bright pink is also possible. The most famous brand at the moment is Betty Beauty.

If you still choose to use “regular hair dye”, take precautions. Choose a paint that does not drip, so that dye cannot run between the folds of the skin. It is also advisable to rub the skin around with, for example, Vaseline or another greasy cream. If the skin irritates or feels burning during coloring, rinsing immediately is the best option. Failed result? Just shave it off and try again another time. Already suffering from gray hairs? No problem, they are also neatly colored.


Totally trendy: vajazzle your Venus mound. The skin of the Venus mound is decorated with small rhinestones or Swarovski crystals. With a ready-made crystal tattoo, placement can usually be completed within a minute. It is necessary that the skin is oil-free and smooth (no pubic hair) before the crystals are applied to the skin. It is advisable to epilate or wax beforehand instead of shaving, otherwise growing hairs can easily print the stones.

It is also possible to get started with rhinestones or crystals yourself. For this you need special glue that is suitable for the skin, do not just use glue from a DIY store! Some go all the way by filling the entire “triangle” with stones, but they can also be applied very subtly.

This form of decoration is temporary, how long the crystals last depends on the strength of the glue and the amount of friction to which they are exposed.


Latest trend and insanely popular in America: vattooing . An image is sprayed onto the Mount Venus using airbrush technique. You can choose from different shapes and colors, and multiple colors in one image are also possible. To make it extra exciting in the evening, you can opt for glow in the dark paint. The skin must be completely smoothed beforehand, for example by waxing. The image will last for about a week. The word vattooing was created by combining the words vagina and tattoo.

Henna tattoo

A henna tattoo is also an option for a temporary decoration around the pubic area. Usually a henna tattoo is done by someone else, but you can also get started with henna powder yourself. It is available in new age stores and Moroccan stores, among others. It might be a nice idea to have your partner get a tattoo on the Mount of Venus.

Stick tattoo

A sticky tattoo sounds a bit old-fashioned and is usually reminiscent of a pack of chewing gum with a Donald Duck sticker on it. Yet there are very nice examples available nowadays. Very beautiful fake tattoos can also be found, especially on sites where they sell erotic items. How long such a plate will remain in place depends on several circumstances. For example, if a plate is exposed to a lot of friction due to clothing, for example, it will become damaged more quickly. Most tattoos last 2 to 5 days, even while showering and swimming.
They are easy to remove with alcohol if necessary.


For people who are very sure of themselves, a real tattoo can be chosen. Do this carefully and think about it for a long time before you actually do it. Removal usually leaves unpleasant scars.


Piercings are more popular than ever, they can be placed anywhere in the body. It is therefore also possible to pierce the mons pubis, but make sure that the piercing does not protrude too much to prevent serious injuries.

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