The bladder infection

A bladder infection, or cystitis, is an infection of the urinary tract. This causes an unpleasant pain when urinating, especially in women. It is common and can be very annoying.

What is bladder infection (cystitis)?

A bladder infection is an infection of the urinary tract. The bladder is located at the bottom of the abdomen and stores urine. Sometimes bacteria remain in the bladder if you do not urinate completely empty. These bacteria can then multiply and cause an infection. The wall on the inside of the bladder and sometimes also the urethra becomes inflamed.

What are the symptoms?

Bladder infections can cause unpleasant symptoms and are usually immediately recognizable. The best-known complaint is pain during urination. The following symptoms may indicate a bladder infection:

  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling like you have to pee but nothing comes out
  • Burning pain during urination
  • Urine may smell bad or be cloudy
  • There may be blood in the urine
  • Pain in the lower abdomen/lower back
  • Yield
  • Nausea

How does it arise and in whom?

A bladder infection usually occurs because the bacteria that live in the intestines end up in the urethra. These then end up in the bladder. These can also be transmitted through sexual contact. Women have a much shorter urethra than men, which means that bladder infections occur more often in women.
Due to a prolapse of the bladder or an incorrect urination position, a residual amount of urine can remain in the bladder. This gives the bacteria the opportunity to multiply, which can cause inflammation.

What can you do about it?

A bladder infection almost never goes away on its own. Therefore, go to the doctor if you suspect that you have a bladder infection. You usually receive a course of antibiotics for a week. You usually notice an improvement after the first pill. Try to urinate regularly and never postpone it. Make sure you always urinate thoroughly. It is important to drink a lot of water, preferably 1 to 2 liters a day. The bladder then flushes thoroughly.


  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Urinate regularly and make sure you empty your bladder.
  • After having sex it is wise to urinate.
  • Drink cranberry juice, this helps against bladder infections.

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