Beauty: Beautiful colors for the eyes

Every season has its own colors for the eyes and of course there are always trends, but there are colors that are better suited for winter or summer. But there are also colors that you see more and more seasons. This also applies to the hard winter colours.

The eye

No matter how you look at it, the eye remains an eye-catcher for many faces and many women therefore emphasize the eye. Cosmetics emphasize certain aspects of the eye or conceal minor flaws. But if an eye is properly made up, and unfortunately that is not always the case, the eye is something to go for.


Pay attention to the sensitivity of your eye. If you have sensitive eyes, be careful with makeup or buy special products. Your skin around the eyes is always thin, so you should also remove eye makeup with care. There is a make-up remover for different skin types. But for your mascara, always look for the waterproof mascara or regular one. If you use waterproof, the remover should be oily. Most brands have both types on their shelves. Brands that have had the same removers in their range for years and are also known for their quality are Lancome and Chanel.


If you suffer from bags under your eyes, smooth out the skin first and then put on your eye make-up. Many brands have these concealers on their shelves, but test them carefully beforehand. It is better to take a shade lighter than the skin of your face and rub the cream well to the side and bottom of your eye. Let it blend naturally into the rest of your makeup.

Eye makeup

For many women, eye makeup consists of at least mascara, an eye pencil, eye shadow and/or eyeliner. The colors on the eyes are not always desirable and the natural look (see more in the summer months) can be fashionable and bright colors are no longer fashionable. That is different now, because the hard yet warm-looking eye shadows, especially in powder form, are doing very well.


  • coral blue with a silver sheen/grain
  • emerald green with a warm gold sheen
  • midnight blue with shine
  • warm purple with a blue undertone
  • chocolate brown with a golden sheen

It is striking that almost all of them have a shine and the color is made warmer. Finish these colors with a deep black mascara, applied firmly (2 layers). But there are also colors in the mascara. Consider:

  • deep purple (brown glow)
  • antracite grey
  • chocolate brown
  • warm blue (almost midnight blue)

Combine this mascara with, for example, a beautiful black eyeliner, but no eye shadow or only some eye shadow in a deep color in the outer corners of the eyes. This way the deep colored mascara comes into its own.

If you have eyes that water easily, consider a waterproof mascara. You can’t just remove it (so pay attention to the remover), but it usually gives a slightly less greasy look.

The eye pencil is matched to the mascara or eyeliner. But take a good look at what you use it for. A line under the eye can quickly seem too heavy, but with a smoky eye you can blend the line outward. So a pencil is always a bit greasy.


Emphasizing your eyes can be very beautiful, if applied carefully. But realize that you will look more like a clown if you apply it carelessly or if you emphasize your lips and your cheeks and your eyes.
If it’s your eyes, put on a subtle shade of lipstick and don’t emphasize your cheekbones with a layer of blush. Less is more in many cases.

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