The healing power of lemon oil

Lemon is very healthy. We already know that. But not everyone knows that lemon oil already has medicinal qualities in minimal quantities. The traditional uses of lemon oil date back to at least the 10th century BC. Not all of these uses are supported by current, modern science. In addition, here is a summary of the current state of affairs regarding the scientifically proven effects of lemon oil. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Lemon oil in history
  • Internal use of lemon oil
  • External use lemon oil
  • Contraindication
  • Lemon oil for food poisoning
  • Lemon oil against pregnancy sickness
  • Lemon oil against pain and anxiety
  • Lemon essential oil against dementia?
  • Lemon oil burns fat

Lemon oil in history

It is a common scientific fact that essential oils have been used since ancient times to preserve food, to improve the scent of homes and buildings and as medicine. The first written evidence of the use of lemon oil dates from China, the 10th century BC. Lemon oil did not reach Europe until the 2nd century; it was used by the Romans. Essential oils keep bacteria at bay. The idea of bacteria did not exist in ancient times. But the realization that diseases were prevented by sprinkling houses with essential oils already existed. They just didn’t call it bacteria control but demon control; in fact it amounts to the same thing. It was also known in ancient times that some diseases can be cured by using essential oils internally.

Internal use of lemon oil

Please note: lemon oil is used sparingly internally. Just 2 drops are added to a cup of tea or warm milk after a meal. You can use almond milk instead of milk. According to the late André Gielen, this oil can be used internally for stress, stomach problems, high blood pressure, lung and intestinal infections, obesity, gout, arthritis, osteoarthritis, food poisoning, bleeding, bile and liver insufficiency, kidney stones, lack of resistance, colds, fatigue and muscle pain. These applications are not all supported by scientific research. It is not wise to continue a treatment with an essential oil for longer than two weeks. Many conditions such as the common cold can be treated with a treatment of less than two weeks.

The Latin name of lemon is Citrus limon.

External use lemon oil

  • Rough, dry hands or feet and chipped nails can be treated with lemon oil. Make sure you also investigate the cause of dry hands. Sometimes having a dry, white rash on the hands is related to consuming too many trans fats. Mix 3 drops of lemon oil in a tablespoon of lukewarm almond oil and apply it to the problem areas in the evening.
  • For acne you can make a mixture of 6 types of essential oils in St. John’s wort oil. Use 2 drops of lemon oil, 4 drops of helicryse oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of petitgrain oil and 1 drop of rosemary oil. Mix these essential oils with 2 tablespoons of St. John’s wort oil. The resulting mix is healing for acne and rosacea. Massage the affected skin and the surrounding skin with this mixture twice a day.
  • For insect bites, you can put 2 drops of lemon oil on a cotton ball and dab the wound.
  • In case of flu it is good to make a mixture for bathing of 7 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of pine oil and 5 drops of myrtle oil mixed with milk, almond milk, coconut milk or honey. You do not take this internally! You add this mixture to bath water in which you bathe for 20 minutes every day.
  • Evaporating 10 drops of lemon oil in an aroma lamp has a positive effect on concentration and prevents fatigue.


The external use of lemon oil is not always wise. Firstly, there are people who are hypersensitive to lemon oil. Secondly, lemon oil is photosynthesis sensitive. This means that it can irritate the skin when the sun shines on it. Particularly in the tropics, care must be taken with lemon oil. A summer in Europe can also be a less good combination with external use of lemon oil.

Lemon oil for food poisoning

In 2006, a study was published by English researchers on the effect of lemon essential oil on food poisoning. Food poisoning is caused by bacteria. Because lemon oil prevents bacteria, this substance has been tested for effectiveness in food poisoning. The study compared the effects of bergamot oil, orange oil and lemon oil. It turns out that bergamot is most effective against food poisoning, but lemon oil also shows good effectiveness against this.

Lemon oil against pregnancy sickness

Women who are pregnant often experience nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women use natural remedies more often because synthetic medicines often have side effects. Lemon essential oil is one of the natural remedies used against nausea. In 2014, Iranian researchers noted that there was no scientific evidence that lemon oil actually works. That’s why they set up an investigation. At the end of this study, the scientists were able to confirm that lemon oil does indeed work against morning sickness and vomiting. The study involved 100 pregnant women. The researchers also conclude that aromatherapy against pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting does not provide a solution for everyone. Ginger is also an anti-nausea agent. Drinking ginger tea or eating food containing ginger can be a solution.

Lemon oil against pain and anxiety

Research on rats shows that lemon oil can combat pain. The oil causes hormonal changes. The rats’ feelings of anxiety also decreased considerably. The rats were exposed to the smell of lemon essential oil for two weeks. Research on rats does not mean that it automatically applies to humans, but it does provide an important indication.

Lemon essential oil against dementia?

Japanese researchers saw that dementia in laboratory animals caused by the substance scopolamine was alleviated by both lemon oil and The study was conducted in 2009. The researchers saw that the substances s-limonene and s-perillyl are effective against dementia. It is too early to say that lemon oil is a medicine for dementia. But there are many other studies that indicate that dementia is mainly related to incorrect nutrition. For example, at the beginning of the third millennium there was increasing evidence that dementia is in fact a type of diabetes. Alzheimer’s is also called type 3 diabetes or cerebral diabetes.

Sliced lemon / Source: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay

Lemon oil burns fat

We know that lemons can contribute to reducing body weight. There is scientific evidence for this. This also applies to lemon peel. In 2003, Japanese researchers determined that lemon essential oil is also good for controlling body weight. The researchers conducted a study on anesthetized rats and saw that when rats smell lemon oil flavor, their sympathetic nervous system is activated. In line with the sympathetic system, lipolysis is also activated. Lipolysis is the process by which fat, especially skin fat, burns. There are many lemon water treatments aimed at fat burning. These diet cures are based on scientific studies showing that lemon promotes fat burning.

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