Valerian for stress and tension

Stress and tension are not pleasant: they cause a nervous feeling and insomnia. In addition, there are all kinds of other complaints such as obesity, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, getting sick more easily, etc. That is why we must avoid stress and tension as much as possible or, if necessary, try to resolve them. Exercise (sports) is a good remedy, but the use of valerian can also help. Valerian is made from the valerian root. It is available as tea or capsules. Drops are also sold. There are few side effects.

Stress and unrest

Although we don’t like to see stress, stress is actually good. Stress triggers various processes in our body. This is caused by hormones released during stress. This releases extra adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones are produced in the adrenal glands. The hormone speeds up the heart rate and increases blood pressure. The muscles are supplied with extra blood. The lungs will also absorb more oxygen because the bronchi will dilate. Stored glycogen is released from the liver. This causes more glucose to enter the blood. We can say that the blood sugar level goes up.

But that’s not all. We become more alert due to adrenaline. It acts on the nervous system. Digestion is slowed down. This way, all energy goes to the muscles and the brain.

Cortisol is released due to the increase in adrenaline and norepinephrine. It breaks down proteins in the muscles and ensures that released glycogen is captured. This hormone also slows down digestion.

Reduced immune system and obesity

Temporary stress makes us capable of fight or flight. A good sign, because we need this sometimes. But more and more often we experience stress even though we cannot do anything about it. Just think of excessive work pressure, relationship stress, exam anxiety or other forms of stress or anxiety. Because we don’t physically do anything with it (fight or flight), we remain ‘stuck’ in this stress for too long. The result is that the level of stress hormones remains high for too long.

This has adverse effects on the body. This means that blood pressure remains high for a long time and the heart rate increases. This can lead to heart disease and even heart failure. Diabetes can also develop earlier. This is caused by the increased blood sugar level. As a result, insulin is produced every time to compensate for this.

Muscles are broken down by the breakdown of proteins from the muscles and the liver. Because muscles use energy, less energy is used. Too much energy is also stored due to the slowed metabolism, which leads to obesity. In addition, stress no longer maintains the immune system. This is more likely to lead to diseases. Long-term stress can ultimately lead to depression or burnout.

Valerian as an aid

We must therefore prevent stress as much as possible, especially when it concerns long-term stress. There are a number of tools for this. First, it is better to prevent stress by managing time, money and relationships efficiently. Talking helps with this. But this is all easier said than done. Anyone who is already in the middle of stress can try to move it away. Exercise provides relaxation and produces substances that help prevent and combat stress. Exercising uses the extra energy reserves that have been released.

But there are also other tools to deal with stress. Valerian, for example. This drug is widely used and is available at drugstores and pharmacists.

What is valerian?

Valerian is obtained from the valerian root. True valerian is a herbaceous plant that grows in Europe and Asia. It is used for insomnia, nervousness and mild tension or stress. So it can certainly help when stress has just arisen. Valerian does not help with depression or burnout. Valerian therefore has a soothing effect that is light.

How does it work?

Valerian is often used in capsule form (tablet). It is also available in drops or as tea. Valerian is used for 2 to 4 weeks. If the complaints have not gone away, visit a doctor. Valerian starts to work after half an hour to an hour. It therefore acts quickly on the nervous system.

Valerian reduces the irritability of the nervous system. This causes physical complaints such as palpitations, sweating, anxiety, stomach ache, insomnia and other complaints to disappear.

In general, there are no or few known side effects. It can therefore be used safely. Pregnant women and people with liver problems should first ask a doctor for advice. Rarely do complaints occur. If this is the case, they often consist of abdominal pain or other stomach complaints. In this case, valerian should be stopped. It is also not the intention to use this medicine for longer than 4 weeks. Always follow the instructions stated in the package leaflet. If valerian does not work, ask your doctor for advice. This can determine what the complaints are and what the correct treatment is.

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