Groin spots: red spots, dots or bumps in the groin area

Do you suffer from bumps or spots in the groin? The groin is the two folds of skin that form the transition from the upper legs to the lower body. Lymph nodes are present under the skin, which play a role in the immune system. These glands can become swollen with certain diseases or infections. Several skin conditions can manifest themselves in the groin area, which may or may not be accompanied by itching, pain or an irritating feeling. What are the main causes of red spots, dots, pimples or bump(s) in the groin area, excluding an inguinal hernia and swollen lymph nodes?

Possible causes: spots or bumps in the groin area

  • Acanthosis nigricans
  • Spots in groin due to erythrasma
  • Red spots due to Hailey-Hailey disease
  • Intertrigo (blemish spots)
  • Groin fungus (tinea cruris)
  • Fungal infection in the groin
  • Symptoms
  • Psoriasis inversa
  • Skin tags
  • Sebaceous cyst
  • Bumps in groin area due to heat bumps

Acanthosis nigricans under the armpit / Source: Madhero88, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis nigricans is a relatively rare skin disease, which in the Western world is mainly associated with obesity and insulin resistance. This skin condition causes dark skin discolorations and a thick, velvety rash on the neck, armpits and anus area, genitals and groin. Both children and adults can be affected by this unsightly skin condition.

Spots in groin due to erythrasma

Erythrasma is a skin condition caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium minutissimum and in which reddish-brown spots, sometimes spots, develop in one or both armpits without obvious scaling. However, the condition also often occurs in the groin. This causes red-brown spots, sometimes spots. Under Wood’s lighting (black light, a UVA lamp), the erythrasma will fluoresce coral red. With topical antibiotics, creams or gels, the condition can be easily treated.

Red spots due to Hailey-Hailey disease

Hailey-Hailey disease (pemphigus benignus familiaris chronicus) is a rare hereditary blistering skin condition that only manifests itself in young adulthood. It usually manifests as red spots with small superficial wounds. Preferred locations for these abnormalities are in the folds of the body, such as the armpits, the groin, the buttock fold and under the breasts. Longer existing spots can soften, causing painful cracks. Secondary bacterial infections can also occur.

Intertrigo (blemish spots)

Blemishes, blemishes or intertrigo is an inflammatory skin condition that mainly occurs in skin folds, such as the folds under the breasts, in the groin and between the toes. The skin condition is a result of skin-to-skin contact, heat, humidity and friction and can be promoted by overweight/obesity, reduced mobility (prolonged bedridden), insufficient hygiene, etc. The skin is red, sensitive to the touch and may feel rough. The spots may be wet and scabs may form.

Lieschimmel / Source: Robertgascoin, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Groin fungus (tinea cruris)

Fungal infection in the groin

Tinea cruris or groin fungus indicates a skin fungal infection in the groin. Some fungi are common on the skin and usually do no harm, but under certain favorable conditions – heat and humidity – they can multiply and cause an infection. The groin area is a pleasant place for fungi, because of the warm, moist and airless conditions.


Groin fungus mainly manifests itself in the fold between the top of the leg and the genitals and sometimes also on the thigh. A red rash develops that can itch and irritate. Usually a clearly defined edge is visible. Men more often suffer from groin fungus, where the scrotum (scrotum) can be itchy.

Psoriasis inversa

This type of psoriasis mainly affects the elderly, both men and women. The psoriasis patches in psoriasis inversa are moist, bright red, not flaky, and occur in the folds of the skin: under the breasts, in the armpits, near the genitals, the groin area, in the buttocks or in the folds of the belly. Psoriasis inversa can occur in a patient with psoriasis, but can also occur in isolation as a result of, for example, a fungal infection or an abrasion at the site.

Skin tags

Skin tags or ‘fibroma pendulans’ are harmless, fairly small growths on the skin, a kind of skin flaps. They are common and are mainly seen in the following areas: neck, neck, trunk, groin and armpit. A skin tag is an often skin-colored or brown stalked rubbery, soft skin tumor. It is in fact a benign subcutaneous connective tissue growth.

Sebaceous cyst

A sebaceous cyst is also called an ‘atheroma cyst’ and is a harmless condition that occurs when a hair follicle becomes blocked. It is a subcutaneous lump, in fact it is a cavity in which dead skin cells, sebum and sweat accumulate. A sebaceous cyst normally appears on hairy parts of the body, such as the head, neck, armpits or on the back and shoulders, but they can also appear in the groin.

Bumps in groin area due to heat bumps

The medical name for heat bumps, sweat rash or heat rash is miliaria. This rash occurs in warm, moist conditions and can be quite itchy and cause a lot of discomfort. Heat bumps are caused by blockage of the sweat glands. Several types of miliaria are distinguished, including ‘miliaria rubra’. These are small, red, itchy bumps that do not merge into one whole. In babies, the pimples mainly appear on the neck, under the armpits and in the groin.

read more

  • Lump in groin or groin tumor: causes and symptoms of lumps
  • Inguinal hernia: symptoms male/female, cause and treatment
  • Groin fungus, red spots in the groin: treatment with cream
  • Pain in groin or groin pain: causes of a painful groin
  • Chafing in the groin: symptoms, cause and treatment

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