Asthma: diagnosis, tips and medications (inhaler use)

Asthma is a disease in which the lungs are always slightly inflamed. Unfortunately, asthma cannot be cured and symptoms can persist for a very long time. Sometimes the symptoms disappear for a while and it seems as if the asthma has gone away, but that is not the case. The severity of the complaints can differ per patient, ranging from mild to some life-threatening cases. Even though asthma cannot be cured, it can make you grow old. There are medications and tips to help you deal with it as best as possible. With tips and medications, asthma does not have to be a major hindrance to the quality of your life in many cases.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. Someone with asthma is therefore hypersensitive to certain stimuli from, for example, pets, dust mites and exhaust fumes. Because the lungs are irritated by certain substances, the mucous membranes in the lungs, throat and nose swell, making breathing difficult and you may suddenly start coughing. That can be scary, but it is not dangerous. This sudden reaction of coughing and feeling short of breath is called an asthma attack.

Types of asthma

Sensitive stimuli such as dust mites, pets, smoke and exhaust fumes can cause different reactions in asthma patients. The intensity and response to stimuli therefore differs in asthma patients. There are four types of asthma:

  • Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. Someone with this form of asthma is allergic to certain substances and produces histamine when they inhale them. The substance histamine causes shortness of breath.
  • In non-allergic asthma, someone is bothered by stimuli such as smoke, perfume or cleaning products. Cold air and fog can also cause problems for non-allergic asthma. The stimuli have nothing to do with an allergy.
  • Exercise-induced asthma is a form of asthma that mainly causes symptoms when exercising too quickly or vigorously. Asthma symptoms can be aggravated by stress and strong emotions. Cold and dry air can also have a negative effect. Inhalers for asthma can provide some relief.
  • Severe asthma is the least common but is the most difficult to live with. Medication has little effect and someone with this form of asthma will often have to go to the hospital for treatment.


The diagnosis of asthma can trigger a lot of negative feelings in an asthmatic. Feelings of anger, frustration or sadness can be prevalent in asthmatics. However, there are a lot of tools available that can make life with asthma a little easier. Furthermore, realize that there are many people in the Netherlands with asthma. Estimates vary, but there are at least 500,000 people with asthma in the Netherlands in 2015. The estimate was made by the Lung Fund in the Netherlands.


There are different medications for different types of asthma. Which medicines someone needs will have to be discussed with a doctor. The type and severity of the asthma play a role in the doctor’s choice of medication. In most cases, asthma patients use anti-inflammatories and bronchodilators. These medications are inhaled through the mouth using an inhaler. The side effects of the medicines in the inhaler are nil. If you do experience any problems, it is advisable to report this to your doctor. As an asthmatic, it is also possible to get a flu shot. This means that someone with asthma is better protected against, for example, a cold. Customized medications can be prescribed or administered for allergies.

Bronchodilators and anti-inflammatories


Through an inhaler you receive medication that helps with shortness of breath or an asthma attack. A bronchodilator medication in the inhaler causes the airway to widen somewhat. This is a temporary solution and does not cure the inflammation in the lungs. There are short- and long-acting inhalers. With one puff of the short-acting inhaler, the medicine works within 5 minutes and you benefit from it for up to 6 hours. With one puff of the long-acting inhaler you can get an effect for 12 hours. This is ideal for a little relief on a sporty or stressful day. Always follow the instructions of the doctor and pharmacist when using the inhaler.


Anti-inflammatories are usually administered by means of an inhaler, but also exist in tablet form. It takes a few weeks for the anti-inflammatory drugs to do their work in the lungs. The anti-inflammatories can reduce your triggers for asthma. Follow the doctor’s and pharmacist’s instructions regarding dosage and time of intake for maximum results.


Living with asthma takes some getting used to. It can sometimes be difficult to accept that you can no longer do everything. Negative feelings can arise. Anger, sadness or fear are human reactions. Yet in most cases, living with asthma is perfectly possible. Everyone must find a way to live with asthma as comfortably as possible.

Below are some tips:

  • Stop smoking. Smoking can cause irritation and therefore has a bad effect on asthma. Quitting smoking is not easy for many people. Don’t be afraid to get help when quitting.
  • Find fellow sufferers. It is pleasant to exchange experiences with fellow sufferers and you often receive useful information.
  • Try to move. Physical exercise may reduce the symptoms of asthma. You can also feel better mentally through exercise and you get to know your own capabilities and limitations. It is also good for social contacts.
  • Healthy eating can help you feel better.
  • Ask those around you to take you into account. This includes not smoking and limiting or avoiding perfume and aftershave.
  • Be clear to yourself and others about what you can and cannot do. Learn to live with your limitations. You will still be able to do a lot and enjoy it.
  • If you have a lot of negative feelings, it might be wise to talk to a psychologist.
  • Ask a family member or friend to accompany you to the doctor. Two are better than one.

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