Home fitness equipment: Wonder Core

A tight stomach, a six-pack, a muscular body… Men and women do a lot to lose weight and get tight abs, such as training with weights and fitness. Many people choose to train at home, often with fitness equipment. Whatever device you choose for home training, not the device will solve the problems of obesity or weak abdominal muscles. You will have to use such equipment consistently. If you persevere, a six-pack is achievable, as is weight loss. You can train muscles at home with fitness equipment, such as the Wonder Core. Wonder Core is a fitness device for the home. How does it work? Fitness can be quite tiring, but it pays off in the end. Every day people choose to train their abdominal muscles, their glutes, biceps, triceps, and legs. Maintaining a nice, toned body becomes more difficult as we get older, due to eating too much and exercising too little. You can laugh about it or you can do something about it. One accepts it, the other prefers to stay fit and fit for as long as possible, and is willing to do anything for it. Because those coveted tight abs take effort.

To the gym or fitness equipment for home?

If you are someone who prefers to be among people when you exercise, then the gym may be your best choice. You can exercise together with other enthusiasts. Exercising and working on your body can be motivating if you do it with several people at the same time. But not everyone has the time or desire to go to the gym. A gym also has disadvantages.

  • You have to go there again and again. You must also wear sportswear.
  • It costs quite a bit of money every month and often involves an annual subscription.
  • If you are overweight, you may feel watched while exercising.
  • A gym quickly smells musty.
  • To go to a gym every day you need free time, and the travel time is added.

Train abdominal muscles with Wonder Core II

There are many types of fitness equipment for home use. Wonder Core II and Wonder Core Deluxe are fitness equipment that allow you to do multiple workouts on one and the same equipment. Wonder Core is a 6-in-1 fitness machine. It focuses on training muscles throughout the body.

  • Abdominal muscles and entire core.
  • Back muscles.
  • Legs.
  • Glutes.
  • Poor.
  • Cardio Workout.

Six-pack training, is that difficult?

Six pack, what is it that so many people dream of? The six-pack is the epitome of physical success. Somewhere under that layer of fat are your abdominal muscles, and if you train them enough, the six-pack will emerge. But it is not easy to achieve that. Training your abdominal muscles, whether you do it at a gym or at home, requires regular effort and perseverance. In addition, you should eat healthy. To build muscle you also need some extra protein in the form of lean meat from the sea or land. Training a six-pack is not difficult, but maintaining the training every day and continuing until you have a six-pack is difficult. However, people prove every day that it is possible to train a beautiful, muscular six-pack. At the gym, or at home with the help of good fitness equipment. Where there is a will there is a way.

How does the Wonder Core fitness program work?

The Wonder Core fitness program is the complete fitness program for the home, which consists of:

  • Wonder Core fitness device with ‘dual resistance’ design (built-in as standard with every Wonder Core fitness device).
  • DVD with all kinds of exercises for all muscle groups. Chest muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps, triceps, leg muscles. Wonder Core fitness equipment is also suitable for cardio training.
  • Rollers in the device that massage your back while you train.
  • Diet.

How long should you train per day?

Training daily may be the secret to every successful workout. The Wonder Core advertisement states that you will see results with 5 minutes a day, and that in itself is not unrealistic if you maintain this for a long time, but you can assume that 5 minutes a day is very short to see a lot of results. . Training 15 minutes or perhaps 30 minutes every day will of course have a faster and more visible effect on the muscles in your body. Training muscles requires more than just having a piece of equipment at home. You also have to work on it consistently. In addition, it is often necessary to live a healthier life. If you are willing to do all this and you are a go-getter, then Wonder Core is a suitable fitness device for training your body, with many options and for a great price.

Details about Wonder Core II

Twist session

The Wonder Core fitness equipment has a so-called twist seat. The twist seat also makes it possible to train the oblique abdominal muscles. The lower abdominal muscles can also be trained with Wonder Core, as can the muscles in the thighs and buttocks. The back is supported with special round (rolling) cushions. The neck is also supported as much as possible. The back and neck are burdened as little as possible.

Six types of training

Six different types of training can be performed with Wonder Core. Cardio, abs, chest muscles, leg muscles, arm muscles and back muscles.


People who suffer from back pain would benefit from training with Wonder Core as the back is spared and extra supported. However, if you have back problems, it is advisable to first consult with a doctor or physiotherapist whether Wonder Core is suitable for you.

Wonder Core Deluxe rowing set

Making rowing movements trains your arm, shoulders, back muscles and abdominal muscles. For many, this is a very pleasant way to train muscles. With the Wonder Core Deluxe, the rowing set is included in the device to train with rowing movements.

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