What is brewer’s yeast and what is it good for?

Brewer’s yeast, we all know it from the process during the preparation of beer. That does not immediately give the feeling that we are doing something healthy for the body. However, it is a bit more nuanced, because brewer’s yeast can certainly do something for you. There are substances in it that we can benefit from, but where does that advantage lie and can we use it indefinitely?

What exactly is brewer’s yeast?

During the beer making process, yeast cells remain behind after filtration. These can be compressed and dried. It is therefore a kind of by-product of the beer brewing process.
But more easily, nowadays you can get it in tablets or powder form (for example, they are grown on grains). Brewer’s yeast contains a considerable number of important substances for humans. You can get brewer’s yeast in different quantities per pill and if you are not really familiar with it, it makes sense to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it if desired. .

What can brewer’s yeast do for you?


Brewer’s yeast contains chromium, which can help bring blood sugar levels back into balance. Insulin converts sugar into starch and if you have diabetes (type 2), the body does not receive it or receives too little of it. For whatever reason, some kind of flaw in the body. Chromium can provide the necessary insulin and help the body process what is still produced better. The blood sugar level is more regulated in this way. Please note, it can never replace any treatment with the specialist.


Brewer’s yeast can also play a role against stress. It has been shown that vitamin B can play a positive role in eliminating stress and brewer’s yeast contains vitamin B1 and can therefore also play a role in the nervous system. It helps you focus and sleep better.

Hair and nails

It is already known that brewer’s yeast can be good for the hair. It helps to revive dry and damaged hair and can even prevent hair loss to a limited extent. The nails are strengthened and become more flexible (to prevent rapid breakage).


Vitamin B can also have a positive effect when it comes to our skin. Think of eczema or acne. When taking brewer’s yeast, the blood sugar level becomes more constant and that is good for calming the skin. It would even play a positive role when it comes to skin cancer. The latter has not (yet) been scientifically proven.


If you suffer from anemia, taking brewer’s yeast can be beneficial. It contains quite a bit of iron and copper and that can help with anemia and the consequences of anemia.


Brewer’s yeast can also play a role when it comes to the intestines. If your stool is too heavy and difficult to pass, the fibers in brewer’s yeast can positively stimulate the functioning of the intestine. Moreover, the intestinal flora improves by definition with brewer’s yeast.

What exactly is in it?

  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, B15
  • Chrome
  • Iron
  • Buyer
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Selenium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Amino acids (cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid)
  • Beta 1,3/1,6 –glucans

Do you want to medicate yourself?

No, if you suffer from something for a long time, it is a good idea to consult your doctor and explain to him or her what you may want to do. Usually it is a matter of benefit or harm, but not in all cases. For example, it can cause conflicts with the absorption of calcium. Because brewer’s yeast contains a lot of phosphorus, it is not recommended to take brewer’s yeast. However, in most cases it certainly doesn’t do any harm.

Is it saving?

Brewer’s yeast is of course not a cure-all and if you have a real illness, don’t turn down a conversation with your doctor. But there is sufficient information that brewer’s yeast can indeed play a positive role in certain ailments. Never do it thoughtlessly, but don’t just leave it alone if there is an opportunity to apply it. Everything with care, including the intake of brewer’s yeast.

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