Candida: symptoms in men and women and treatment

Candida symptoms vary depending on where the candida occurs. Candida (often referred to as ‘candidiasis’ or ‘candida infection’) is an infectious condition caused by candida albicans, a relatively harmless fungal species that occurs saprophytically, which means that this fungus occurs everywhere and has no disease significance. However, this does not mean that under some circumstances the fungus can dominate and cause complaints. An infection can manifest itself in various places of the body: on the oral mucosa, on the penis, in the vagina, on the skin and in the blood. Both men and women can suffer from candida.

  • What is candida?
  • Yeasty mold
  • Normally no complaints
  • Candida symptoms
  • Candida on the oral mucosa
  • Candida symptoms in the vagina
  • Candida symptoms on the penis
  • Candida symptoms on the skin
  • Candida between the cuticles
  • Candida in the blood
  • Candida causes
  • Reduced resistance
  • Causes of oral fungus
  • Disruption of the balance in the vagina
  • Candida treatment

Candida infection in the mouth / Source: Adam J/

What is candida?

Yeasty mold

Candida albicans is a relatively harmless yeast-like fungus. The fungus is naturally present in and on the human body. This yeast feels extremely comfortable and thrives in warm and moist areas of the body such as:

  • in skin folds (the breast folds, armpits and between the buttocks); and
  • on the mucous membranes such as in the vagina, mouth, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract.

Normally no complaints

In healthy people who have sufficient resistance, the yeast normally does not cause complaints. Various factors can allow candida to see the opportunity to multiply, allowing it to develop into an infectious agent. The yeast forms threads and from that moment on it is called a fungus. The symptoms you develop depend on the location of the inflammation.

Candida symptoms

Candida infections can occur in various places of the body, such as:

Candida on the oral mucosa

This is called oral thrush and can be recognized by white spots on the oral mucosa. This infection mainly occurs in newborns and young children and in people with severely reduced resistance, for example because they are undergoing chemotherapy. About 4% of newborns are thought to experience thrush, especially sick infants and premature babies. A child with thrush often has no problems at all, sometimes there is mild pain and the baby has difficulty drinking.

Candida symptoms in the vagina

The complaints consist of irritation and burning sensation of the skin and mucous membranes, (severe) itching and thick, white cottage cheese-like discharge from the vagina. In addition, white deposits or dots on the mucous membrane in the vagina, pain during urination and pain during intercourse may occur.

Candida symptoms on the penis

The complaints consist of redness, irritation, flaky skin (loose skin), small red bumps, spots and a white deposit. In addition, pain during urination may occur.

Candida symptoms on the skin

A candida infection of the skin occurs especially in moist and warm places on the body, such as in skin folds, which is manifested in red and moist spots on the skin and small fluid-filled blisters may also develop. Nappy rash or nappy rash in babies is a common example of an infection with Candida albicans.

Candida between the cuticles

This variant is also called candida paronychia. This is a fungal infection of the cuticle, which is accompanied by pain, redness and swelling. It is often seen in people who often have wet hands due to their work (cleaners, kitchen staff) or wash their hands often. Frequent contact with water softens the skin around the nails and makes it accessible to micro-organisms.

Candida in the blood

Only rarely can candida enter the blood, which is accompanied by inflammation of, for example, the kidneys and liver, causing these organs to no longer function properly or at all. This is called a ‘generalized infection’ or ‘systemic candidiasis’. This form is only seen in seriously ill people with greatly reduced resistance.

Candida causes

Reduced resistance

Candida naturally occurs on and in the body of many people. You normally don’t notice the yeast, but when candida gets the chance to take over and spread, you can develop complaints. This happens when your general resistance is reduced, for example during a period of high stress or emotional tension or during or after a course of antibiotics.

Causes of oral fungus

Candida infection of the mouth or oral fungus can have various causes, such as:

  • the use of inhaled medications (for example for asthma) or antibiotic use;
  • excessive use of antibacterial mouthwash;
  • ill-fitting dentures;
  • dry mouth due to certain medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics and chemotherapy)
  • iron deficiency or severe vitamin B deficiency; and
  • reduced resistance.

Disruption of the balance in the vagina

Vaginal yeast infections often occur without a clear cause, although several factors can disrupt the balance between bacteria and fungi in the vagina:

  • hormonal changes, for example during pregnancy or around menstruation, can cause a fungal infection and a candida infection is also seen more often when using the pill;
  • diabetics are more likely to develop vaginal yeast infections;
  • thoroughly cleaning your vagina with neutral or non-neutral soap irritates the mucous membrane and disrupts the natural acidity (PH), increasing the risk of fungal infections;
  • using an antibiotic can kill certain types of bacteria in the vagina, causing fungi to take over;
  • other medications, such as corticosteroids, can also increase the risk of developing fungal infections;
  • A reduced general condition, for example due to persistent stress, can disrupt the balance between bacteria and fungi.

Candida treatment

A candida infection is almost always treated with antifungal medications (antimycotics). Depending on the location of the infection, the doctor may prescribe an ointment, drink or tablets. In the case of a generalized infection, the medications will be administered by infusion.

read more

  • Candida albicans: symptoms, cause and treatment
  • Yeast infection vagina: treating fungal vagina woman
  • Vaginal yeast infection: symptoms, causes & treatment
  • Skin disorders AZ: symptoms, cause and treatment
  • Skin rash with red spots, dots and bumps on the skin

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