Improve your fitness with walking

We are not all great sports fanatics, but we all find health important. We want to do our best to be fit and not end up panting like an old horse when walking up one flight of stairs. Not a sports fanatic but want to be healthy, then you can – in addition to eating healthy – also go for a walk. Walking has long since lost its old-fashioned character and is an excellent method for building up fitness, even though it is sometimes contradicted.

Building up is the basis

Walking enormous distances like crazy every day increases the risk of injuries. So it doesn’t make sense. The motto is to build up slowly and wear well-fitting clothing, preferably natural fabrics because they breathe, and good shoes. Your feet have to make a lot of effort and your knees have to absorb the shocks of walking every time. It goes without saying that a good shoe with a cushioning sole is important.

Start when it suits you, that’s the nice thing about walking, and build up slowly (but continue walking briskly). A little further every day or every other day, because you have to stimulate your body a bit and your heart rate has to be stimulated. Moreover, you also move your arms while walking, so the movement of the body is a bit more pronounced than just the legs. , what we initially think of.

To 30 minutes!

The 30 minutes per day is still set as the standard. Brisk walking for 30 minutes is healthy for body and mind, a basis for fat burning and promoting health. But no problem if you want to walk more, as long as you build it up slowly.

Source: Jona263d, Pixabay

What does walking do for your body?

If you continue walking briskly, it will do more for you than improving your fitness, which is of course also very important!

  • Spending half an hour (or more) outdoors a day is also good for the mind. It brings you a lot of mental relaxation. You don’t have to put in any effort, it happens automatically.
  • In addition to your endurance, it also improves the condition of your heart and blood vessels and therefore reduces the risk of heart problems.
  • It can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure (and if your blood pressure is too low, it can actually become slightly higher).
  • Your muscles become stronger (you will notice it first in your calf muscles).
  • A fit feeling, which also has a psychological effect.
  • Small risk of osteoporosis.
  • Your joints remain flexible (which is certainly very pleasant as you get older).
  • You can lose a kilo or so or maintain at least your weight.

Good walking posture

It goes without saying that your walking posture must be good and although it is not difficult, you do have to pay attention to it. A few points of interest:

  • Walk neatly upright with a straight back.
  • Keep your head up and your shoulders relaxed.
  • The upright posture ensures that your chest is forward and your stomach is straight (possibly a little restrained).
  • Take your arms along in your walking stride in a relaxed manner.
  • Place your foot relaxed with each step and do not force anything.

“The legs are the wheels of creativity.” Einstein

Also change things up

  • Walking to stay fit is of course very good, but walking with your dog can also be fun. If you don’t have a dog yourself, borrow one from the neighbors and go out for a walk. Or take a friend with you when you walk. There’s a good chance that half an hour will be over before you know it and you’ll just walk longer.
  • Also change the area, that can enrich the mind and make walking fun.
  • Finally, it is also good to change your stride every now and then. From walking briskly to walking more slowly and alternating this with walking briskly for a short distance.


Walking is good for you for several reasons, try it if you don’t want to exercise. It can be a great replacement. Build up slowly and persevere, preferably through nature because that can also inspire.

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