10 reasons why watching porn is bad

It is that time again. You crave a porn video. Oh well, one can’t hurt, right? Eventually you will notice that you are looking more often. You want to see other species, more extreme images and shapes. You feel temporarily satisfied. But soon you want more. What does watching porn do to your brain? What makes you want to watch again and again? Could it also be bad to watch porn? And how do you get rid of the desire to watch a movie over and over again?

What is pornography?

Pornography is filmed prostitution. The word porn is derived from the Greek porneia, meaning prostitution; Graph comes from the Greek graphia which stands for documentation. They are images that never contain healthy sexual communication but a man dominating a woman. It is about the subordinate role of women compared to men. Currently, 37% of all internet content is pornography. This means that many people are concerned with pornographic images. It can be exciting and sexually satisfying to watch. But what does porn actually do to your brain?

What does watching porn do to your brain?

Research has shown that when you watch porn, your brain produces dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that represents pleasure. Each wave produces a positive emotional response. When watching porn, there is an overstimulation of dopamine production in your body. This causes a chemical imbalance in your body. This means that you need increasingly stronger triggers to produce the same amount of dopamine to achieve that feeling of ecstasy. This encourages the behavior of watching porn. You may start with soft porn, but eventually you will find yourself watching hard porn. You have not become addicted to the images, but to the substances your brain produces when viewing them. This leads to a vicious circle.

10 reasons why watching porn is bad

  • Watching porn is addictive. It starts with wanting to watch porn regularly. After a while you need increasingly intense images to experience the same feeling of ecstasy.
  • By watching pornographic images, you are subconsciously programmed. You start to see women as objects with an inferior role compared to men. Research by psychology professor Susan Fiske of Princeton University confirms this.
  • Pornography is not what it seems. It can look nice and slick. In reality, the women work long, hard days on set. Eventually you are no longer aware that this woman you are looking at is a real person, with real feelings and emotions.
  • You look at more and more intense images, and after a while at sexually deviant behavior.
  • There is a chance that you will eventually apply this sexually deviant behavior in your relationship.
  • Many people watch porn because they are afraid of real intimacy in a relationship.
  • There is a chance that you will lose interest in your partner. The sex you have with your partner does not bring you the same ecstasy as porn does.
  • Many women in the porn industry, sometimes as young as 18, entered this business or were even forced to do so. In many cases they have done this out of economic uncertainty. Or as a result of traumatic experiences in their youth. So in most cases it was not a conscious choice.
  • A study by the University of Calgary in Canada shows that men who watch a lot of porn are more likely to believe that women provoke rape.
  • By regularly watching porn, you get these pornographic images in your head during sex with your partner. You need them to achieve an orgasm. This means you are no longer in the moment at all.


Initially, it is important that you become aware of the fact that the pornographic images you consume can eventually have a destructive effect on your life. Not only in your own relationship, but also in your relationships with other people. For example, a man might look down on his female colleagues and a woman might find it normal to be dominated in her marriage. In addition, it is essential to become aware of the fact that no sane, right-thinking person with enough money decides to turn to prostitution. The image you see of a beautiful, happy woman is an image. It’s make-up, spotlights, oil, lingerie, camera work and the right color correction. Everything that contributes to making you believe in a woman who is having fun. You may not be aware of it, but this woman also has feelings and emotions, and she may even cry when she lies in bed at night. If you really want to stop watching porn, it is largely a process of awareness. Some tips that will help you stop are:

Raise your frequencies

Watching porn is an activity that lowers your frequencies. It is therefore advisable to undertake as many activities as possible that increase your frequencies.

Engage in spiritual activities

Moreover, it is advisable to undertake other activities to balance your mind and body. Yoga, shamanic meditation, or long nature walks are highly recommended. But meditating for half an hour a day can also be very effective in breaking free from your thoughts and getting in line with the universal flow of love.

Balance your second chakra

Chakras are energy organs that determine your state of consciousness. If they are out of balance you can experience problems. Sexuality is an activity of the second chakra. Furthermore, this chakra is all about emotions, nutrition but also creativity. So if you engage in creative activities you will find that your need to watch porn will decrease. But healthy food will also balance your second chakra.

Listen to the universe

Another way to stop is to ask the universe for help. The universe always responds to your questions. It is up to you to enable them to help you.


The first step in stopping watching porn is admitting that you want to change something. You are therefore already very well on your way. The second step is to get started with it. Who knows, maybe in this way we can gradually transform the 37% of internet content that consists of porn into loving, informative content that can be valuable to everyone.

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