How good is exfoliating?

We exfoliate a bit, because if you believe the sector, exfoliating agents have more than doubled in recent years. Have we always done it wrong in the past and has our skin not been beautiful enough? Maybe it’s all a bit more nuanced than it seems now and we already exfoliate automatically? What is the skin process like and how good is exfoliating?

Why exfoliate?

Is the skin that automatically exfoliates possible? Actually, it is all a bit more nuanced, but that does not alter the fact that the skin itself does work and it is not just the scrub cream that removes the dead skin cells from the skin. After all, that is the process that goes on when scrubbing. Once the dead skin cells have been removed, the skin looks nicer and firmer again and blood circulation is also stimulated by scrubbing. As a result, the color of the skin improves. Older skin renews its skin cells slightly more slowly than young skin.

Better blood circulation also occurs if you apply a cream/body lotion to your skin. If you treat the skin well, so that the cream in question can be absorbed nicely, then you should apply this cream to the skin in small circular movements.

What is the added value then?

Strictly speaking, you promote cell renewal, because wearing clothes also rubs against the skin and releases dead skin cells. With a scrub you rub the grains in the cream in a rotating manner and that stimulates the skin. The skin opens up and allows more. That is why you go to the scrub room before the sauna and a stimulating facial or body cream works slightly better on skin that has previously undergone a scrub.

Stimulating the skin also loosens the skin cells that would otherwise remain on the skin. Add to this the active approach to the skin, which is stimulated and improves blood circulation, and your skin gets a huge boost. There are different types of exfoliating cream for the face, hands, body and lips. This has to do with the delicate skin of the lips, for example.

Why not exfoliate?

There are always reasons why you shouldn’t exfoliate, most often it has to do with skin problems. For example, if you have wafer-thin skin or skin problems, it is a good idea to consult your doctor before exfoliating. Sometimes you do more damage. Since there are also adapted products, more people can exfoliate than we think.


In addition, there is also the person who exfoliates a lot to either stimulate the skin even more (and therefore make it more beautiful, which does not work) or because a phobia plays a role. For example, finding yourself dirty can mean that you wash yourself a lot. There are also people who exfoliate and it goes without saying that this can be disastrous for the skin. You are, as it were, sanding off a layer and since too is never good, this can lead to very painful situations. You can even break the skin and then create small friction spots.

Stimulating the skin more than exfoliating once or twice a week is pointless, because that is not how the skin works. We are talking about moderate to oily skin. Dry or sensitive skin should only be treated once every two weeks with a gentle product. For normal skin, apply approximately once a week.

Make your own scrub

You can also make a scrub yourself by combining some cleansing milk with some salt for the body and use some sugar for the face. Sugar is slightly less intense for the skin. Make a small amount at a time, so you always have a fresh product for the skin.

Healthy skin

It goes without saying that healthy skin is also shaped by what you eat. A healthy diet makes a substantial contribution to the quality of the skin. But of course genes and how you treat your skin count. The total picture shows how the skin develops over the years.
Furthermore, we all know that smoking is disastrous for all kinds of things in the body, but also for beautiful skin.


So scrubbing certainly has added value, but it often also feels good. Especially if you provide your skin with a delicious nourishing cream after scrubbing. Don’t overdo it, but exfoliating regularly is good for your skin!

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