The right attitude to lose pounds!

Many people are overweight. It’s annoying, no one can ignore that. Besides the fact that it is annoying, it is also very bad for your health. Someone who is seriously overweight can even die 6 to 7 years earlier. The mistake that many overweight dieters make is their way of thinking. Fortunately, the way of thinking is something that can be changed. Being overweight is certainly not something that you have to carry with you all your life, it is a choice.

“I can not do it”

The most popular reason for people to stop their healthy lifestyle. Also the most popular reason for people who “crash” in their diet. The most important question about giving up is the following: When can one not do it? Time plays the most important role in losing weight. Time is the killer of progress. One should no longer think in terms of time, but in terms of results. Therefore, dare to be proud of the results achieved and do not associate them with the time in which you achieved them.

Dropouts also often have the tendency to compare others with themselves. This is also the reason why many dropouts drop out, because they see that they achieve significantly less results over a certain period compared to someone else. The realization that they lose little or no weight in a certain period is very demotivating. Therefore, one should not look at others. Listening to stories of people who have lost weight miraculously is also only demotivating. A complete focus on yourself is required. People will actually get there, that’s in the human mechanism. The only question is whether the dropout in question is willing to put in the time necessary for a set goal.

Would you like a cookie?

To get straight to the point: learn to say ‘no’. A biscuit with tea is more of a harm than a good thing. The loser is the one who decides whether he wants to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, you will have to be able to say ‘no’ consistently. Any form of junk food consumed slows down the weight loss process. One must realize that. Of course, it is not the intention that junk food becomes a sworn enemy. This only makes it more attractive to commit crimes. It should therefore be seen as a reward: lose 1 kilo? Then people allow themselves to go out for dinner. But not before that kilo.

Can one really no longer handle the need to sin? Then this line of thought often helps: Tomorrow is another day. Why sin today if it can be done tomorrow? Today there is no need to consume junk food at all. You will notice that this line of thinking, no matter how strange it may sound, really works! Junk food cravings are often a temporary burden. It should be seen as withdrawal: the first period will be the most difficult, but you will notice that it will become less bad afterwards. Eventually, people will even be able to reject junk food completely unconsciously.

Take the bike, why not?

Exercise is important for losing pounds. Exercise is also something that many dropouts are “afraid” of. Low fitness often makes half an hour of running a hopeless task. But guess what? You don’t have to run for half an hour at all. You don’t have to run at all to lose weight. Cycling on a Sunday morning is a very effective alternative. In addition, it is a wonderful way to start the day. And, as contradictory as it may sound, more energy will be released during the day by cycling in the morning. One should also cycle through green areas as much as possible. The concentration of oxygen here is slightly higher than in the city, which in turn has a beneficial effect on endurance.
One should also try to build up: If the feeling arises that more can be achieved, accept this challenge.

“I’ve suffered enough, I’m done with it”

To get straight to the point again: Pity is a killer. When it comes to weight loss, try to be ice cold. There are many dieters who lose the courage to lose weight out of self-pity and therefore do not achieve their goal. To avoid self-pity, one should ask oneself why one set out to lose weight in the first place.

The word ‘ago’ in the heading is completely misplaced. There is no suffering, people only get better, provided nothing is done wrong, of course. A common mistake that is a direct cause of suffering is starving oneself. Selling yourself short is an extremely serious matter when losing weight. Not only does not enough food give you less energy, your mood will also deteriorate and your motivation will crumble. That is why it is recommended to read my other article about The basic recipe for muscle mass. This article obviously also applies to people who want to lose weight quickly.

A bad myth is that losing weight equals eating little. No one will say that vegetables should not be eaten. Vegetables may be consumed if the dieter wants! The only things to pay attention to are the calories, carbohydrates and proteins. Since vegetables contain very little of this, it is safe to say that they can be consumed indefinitely.

Where there is a will there is a way

One must memorize this. Never start with the idea that something cannot be done, but also never let someone else play the demotivating factor. Losing weight is a path that must be walked alone. No one can help with this, only the dropout himself. A direct advantage of this is that no one can put the dropout down, except the dropout himself. No matter how demotivating the environment may be, the focus should be entirely on yourself. One should forget everything negative in the environment and focus on the positive.

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