Playing sports or moving with a broken wrist

Playing sports or moving with a broken wrist can be very difficult. A broken wrist has more influence on sports than is often thought, because many movements are not good… Read more

Conscious birth with the natural caesarean section

In more and more Dutch hospitals it is possible to opt for a natural caesarean section. This is also called ‘gentle section’, ‘natural caesarean’ or ‘mother/child-friendly caesarean section’. With a… Read more

Vitamin D: an underrated vitamin

Vitamin D plays an essential role in various processes in the body, including rickets or bow legs. It is a bone disorder that mainly occurs in young children. Characteristic of… Read more

Natural remedies for sore throat: herbs and home remedies

In many cases, sore throats are caused by viruses, and a hoarse, stinging throat is often the first sign of a viral upper respiratory tract infection, such as a cold… Read more

Help, I am losing a lot of weight, losing an unusual amount of weight: the causes!

Eating normally and having standard habits means that we have a “healthy” body with an unchanged weight. Due to conditions, parasites, organ problems or cancer, weight can suddenly decrease significantly,… Read more

Cavernous malformation: malformation of blood vessels in the brain

Cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) is a malformation of blood vessels that run in the brain or spinal cord. This condition does not require surgery in all cases, but many complaints… Read more

Causes and treatment of diarrhea in a baby

Diarrhea in a baby is certainly not unknown to young parents. After all, it often happens that your little one has some diarrhea. Diarrhea is diagnosed when your baby’s stools… Read more

The tree of life, link between heaven and earth

The concept of the tree of life exists and existed in many cultures. For the Germans it was the world tree Yggdrasil, the ash. In Southwest Asia it was often… Read more

Fatigue and sleep problems

Fatigue is a common complaint. Everyone feels tired sometimes. The term fatigue refers to a diffuse pattern of complaints, consisting of quickly becoming tired during exertion, sleeping problems, lack of… Read more

Gym at a young age, wise?

Nowadays, young people are increasingly confronted with idealized bodies of others. Whether they are top athletes or models of certain clothing brands, the young people see the success that it… Read more