The sauna process

We all know a sauna these days. Some even have their own sauna at home, others prefer to spend an evening in the private sauna instead of going to a… Read more

Ayurveda: meaning and origin

Ayurveda means: “knowledge of life”. The word Ayurveda consists of two parts: Ayur (which means life) and Veda (which means knowledge). The word ayur is derived from the term ayus.… Read more

Pain in your back? Causes and solutions for your back pain

Do you suffer from back pain? But you have no idea what could be the cause of this? Then you must first look for the cause of your painful back.… Read more

Is mackerel healthy?

Mackerel is an oily fish that is highly recommended in a healthy diet. The slender torpedo-shaped fish is rich in essential fats, vitamins and minerals. The omega 3 and omega… Read more

Preventing kidney stones: preventing the development of kidney stones

You can prevent kidney stones by drinking enough. However, there are more ways to prevent kidney stones. Kidney stones are quite common. About between 4 and 8 percent of adults… Read more

Bleach your hair with natural products

Peroxide is the most commonly used method for getting a lighter hair color. However, it is well known that peroxide is drying and damaging to the hair. This is obviously… Read more

Benefits of lavender oil

Lavender oil has several health benefits, including eliminating tension, helping to reduce pain, disinfecting the scalp and skin, circulating blood and relieving insomnia. The Latin name of lavender is lavare,… Read more

Grounding against addiction

Coffee, tea, candy, chips, alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants are all addictive. They are substances that stimulate your system and could therefore perhaps better be called stimulants. Why is it… Read more

Quit smoking: 100 reasons

Hundreds of people quit smoking every year. Of the approximately 3,584,300 smokers in the Netherlands, no less than 80% plan to quit their bad habit sooner or later. But yes,… Read more

Why are fungal infections so persistent?

Many people are affected by fungal infections. And although an outward fungal infection is usually discovered quickly, its treatment usually takes a long time. In many cases, the symptoms disappear… Read more