Buy slimming pills and slimming products

Slimming pills and slimming products are plentiful. Yet it is not just any drug you buy. If you only want to lose fat on your hips and buttocks, apple cider… Read more

Is tuna healthy?

There are different types of tuna, the most famous being the Albacore tuna. Tuna is available fresh and canned, both of which fit into a healthy diet. You do have… Read more

Alcohol abuse in the elderly

As prosperity increases, alcohol consumption among the elderly has increased significantly in recent years. A large percentage of people aged 55+ drink daily and the number of heavy drinkers is… Read more

The Dangers of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

PET plastic is widely used for bottles because of its many advantages. Mineral water and soft drinks in particular are often packaged in thin PET bottles. However, its use can… Read more

What does alcohol really do to you?

Everyone knows alcohol, and everyone knows that if you take too much of it, it is not good for your body. But how much is too much, and what does… Read more

How do you handle a first date (again)?

Whatever age you start dating (again), there is always a certain tension in it. If you are very young, it could be your very first date and everything is new… Read more

Memory loss and dementia in old age

Everyone sometimes forgets something or can’t think of a name quickly. As you get older, the thought of dementia may arise. But even if you regularly forget something, there is… Read more

Alternatives to baby wipes

Baby wipes are one of the many inventions that have made a mother’s life easier. What many mothers do not know is that they often contain toxic preservatives and parabens… Read more

Stitches in the chest: nagging or sharp stabbing pain in the chest

Do you suffer from chest pains, short-term or persistent? If you occasionally feel short-term stitches in the chest without experiencing other complaints, this may indicate nerve irritation of the nerves… Read more

Coconut oil against diaper rash and fungal infections

Almost every mother has had to deal with diaper rash in your baby. This is often solved with expensive and chemical creams. If there is also a fungal infection, antifungal… Read more