Skin swellings: chilblains, boils and carbuncles

Chilblains, boils and carbuncles are all characterized by swollen and painful areas of the skin that can have a major impact on the patient’s life. Chilblains occur in the form… Read more

What to do in case of heat stroke: characteristics and how to act?

What to do in case of sunstroke? What is the best way to deal with (impending) sunstroke? Heatstroke involves overheating and dehydration. Simply put, someone with heatstroke is too hot… Read more

Red eyes: causes of a red eye or bloodshot eyes

Red eyes or red eye can be caused by many factors. Red eyes can be the result of a lack of sleep and one red eye can be due to… Read more

Heat: risk groups, complaints and prevention

A heat wave is not pleasant for many people. But if you adjust your activities a little, it is usually quite manageable. However, it is important for a number of… Read more

The preparation of bottle food for your baby

Infants or newborn babies can be fed with breast milk, bottle food or formula. The mother has a choice and will have to find out what the best solution is… Read more

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

ADHD is an abbreviation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Literally translated, this means attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a disease that can be recognized by its symptoms: in this… Read more

Bradyopsia: Slower response to changing light intensities

Bradyopsia, which stands for “slow vision,” is an eye condition that affects vision. The eyes of patients with bradyopsia adapt more slowly to changing light conditions, causing them to be… Read more

Boucher-Neuhäuser Syndrome: Eye abnormalities and ataxia

Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome (BNS) is an extremely rare condition. The syndrome was first described in 1975 by Neuhäuser and Opitz. The triad of symptoms are spinocerebellar ataxia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (no development… Read more

Newborn baby: sensory and other characteristics

When your baby is born, he is very small and his options seem very limited. Yet there are already many things that your baby can do. He can already hear,… Read more

Silence, the new luxury

“Luxury”, everyone has a different image of what he or she experiences with “luxury” and so you cannot judge it for someone else. You most likely have an image of… Read more