What is ginseng and how healthy is it?

Actually, not everyone is really familiar with ginseng, but many people assume that ginseng is healthy. If so, what is that based on? The bottom line is that we know too little about ginseng, because what is its medicinal effect, how do you apply it and are there any negative aspects about ginseng?

Ginseng base

The Ginseng root is rarely found in the wild and we now mainly have it from cultivation. Ginseng originally comes from North China and North Korea. The Dutch introduced it to Europe (after Marco Polo first brought it to Europe) mainly because it was very expensive and therefore generated a lot of money. Ginseng is still cultivated in the Far East, especially China, Korea, Japan, Siberia (the south).

The name comes from gin which refers to man and seng which refers to essence. The lord and king of herbs.


The root is part of the ivy family Panax. There are several types, including the best known:

  • Panax ginseng, Korean and Chinese ginseng
  • Panax Quinquefolius, American ginseng
  • Panax Japonicus, Japanese ginseng

It is not the basis, but American ginseng has been gaining popularity recently. There is no specific reason for this.

What makes ginseng nutritious?

The root, which is what it’s all about, has been used as medicine for centuries. It is now available in many forms, ranging from the original fresh root to the dried one, but ginseng is also available in powder form, tablet form or in tea.

The medicinal effect is mainly attributed to ginsenosides, which are steroid-like substances. It is a general tonic used to live longer. It is a product that is considered a general good for humans. It has a positive effect on a wide variety of things that keep the body running:

  • the blood pressure
  • the metabolism
  • increase in energy
  • the immune system
  • your stress level
  • your hormones
  • your concentration level

Source: Peter Facebook, Pixabay

It also has a beneficial effect for people with type 2 diabetes.

A reduced risk of various types of cancer (particularly ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2) is indicated, such as:

  • stomach cancer
  • lung cancer
  • liver cancer
  • uterine cancer
  • oral cancer
  • pancreatic cancer

Does ginseng also have negative sides?

Ginseng is not recommended if you have kidney problems, it can cause bleeding and consult your doctor if you are taking medication. Things don’t always go well together and you better be sure.

Eat Asian ginseng no more than 200 mg per day and American ginseng no more than 300 mg per day. Furthermore, do not use it for more than 4 weeks in a row (your body gets used to it), because if you take more it can cause headaches and you will sleep less well. Stop taking it after a while and then pick it up again. Alternate like this and you will apply it properly.


Ginseng, if used properly, is absolutely recommended for most people. It can do a lot of good and adds something. For many who are not really familiar with it, it is a matter of trying it out.

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