Pregnancy symptoms in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy runs from week 14 to week 27. The arrival of the second trimester is a milestone for many women because the critical period of baby development is now over. The chance of a miscarriage is now considerably smaller. A number of symptoms you experienced in the first trimester will decrease or even disappear. Every pregnancy and every woman’s body reacts differently, but in most cases the pregnant woman will feel less tired, have to urinate less often and the nausea will decrease or even disappear completely. However, this phase of pregnancy brings with it other complaints that you did not experience before.


The large amount of progesterone in the body slows down digestion. The muscle responsible for closing the stomach entrance also becomes weaker due to the increase in this hormone, with the result that the contents of the stomach can easily end up in the esophagus. In addition, the growing uterus can press against the stomach, causing heartburn.

Ligament pain

Around the twentieth week of pregnancy you may experience pain around the pubic bone that extends to the vagina and lower back. This is called ligament pain. The cause of this complaint is the uterus, which increases enormously in size and weight during this period. This puts pressure on the ligaments and stretches them.

Skin changes

The hormonal changes in a pregnant woman’s body affect the pigment cells in the skin. You can think of the pregnancy mask; Dark pigment spots appear on your cheeks, nose and around the eyes. A stretch mark, a linea nigra, can also develop. This dark-colored stripe runs vertically across the belly. These changes disappear automatically after delivery.

Stretch Marks (Stretch Marks)

Because the abdomen grows rapidly in this phase of pregnancy, it is possible that tears may develop in the connective tissue. Connective tissue is very elastic, but does have a certain stretchability. When your belly grows faster than the connective tissue can stretch, stretch marks form. Scars appear on the skin that look like red welts and stripes. You cannot completely prevent stretch marks, but you can limit them somewhat by regularly applying a lot of oil to your abdomen to keep the skin supple. Stretch marks do not disappear after pregnancy. Scars will always remain visible.

Lower back pain

The longer you are pregnant, the bigger and heavier your belly becomes. Because you unconsciously adopt a different position and lean back more to keep yourself balanced, you may at some point experience lower back pain. The uterus also exerts pressure on the back, which can cause this symptom.


It is a known fact that pregnant women are often more forgetful and messy. The large amount of progesterone is a cause of this. It affects, among other things, the functioning of the amygdala, the part of the brain that is involved in storing data and retrieving memories. This part of the brain also influences feelings of anxiety. This explains why pregnant women can also be more anxious and nervous.

Bleeding gums

The blood volume in the body increases during pregnancy. After all, the placenta and the baby must also be supplied with blood. As a result of this increase, the small blood vessels in the gums can break. You then get irritated and bleeding gums. It is wise to visit the dentist at least once during the second trimester. An additional check-up is advisable.

Nose bleeding

The mucous membranes in your nose also have extra blood flow during the second trimester of pregnancy and the hormone progesterone causes the walls of the blood vessels to become weaker. This can result in spontaneous nosebleeds. This is annoying, but not harmful to the baby. Special gels are available at the pharmacy to combat this pregnancy ailment.

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