Plastic surgery – nose job or rhinoplasty

A nose correction (also rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty) is for anyone who finds their nose too big, too small or too thick. A lump or bump on the nose (nasal hump) can also be remedied with it. Others undergo rhinoplasty for medical reasons: they may have an abnormality or deformity of the nose that hinders breathing. It may be a congenital defect or a deformity as a result of an accident.

How does nose surgery work?


First there will be a visit during which you and the plastic surgeon will discuss the abnormality of your nose, the surgical options and any complications. This is called an intake interview.


No blood thinning agents (e.g. aspirin) should be used fourteen days before the nose operation. This promotes bleeding. It is also better not to smoke for a few weeks because this is bad for the healing process. Have yourself examined by the ear, nose and throat specialist to assess the impact of the rhinoplasty on breathing.

Septum correction

With a septum correction, only the inside of the nose is operated on. The cartilage and bone of the nasal septum are released through a small incision inside the nose. The septum is straightened, protruding parts are removed and crooked parts are straightened. The repaired nasal septum is then held in place by tampons inserted into the nose. In this way, mucous membrane, cartilage and bone can grow back together. Plasters are often applied to the outside of the nose for support.

External rhinoplasty

An external rhinoplasty is performed to correct an abnormal shape on the outside of the nose. This nose surgery is more extensive than a septum correction. Most often, the changes are made inside the nose, but they may also require cutting on the outside. After the operation, tampons are placed in the nose. When surgery is performed on the bone on the outside of the nose, the nose will also be secured with plasters covered by a cap made of plaster, plastic or metal.


Normally a local anesthetic is sufficient, but if an extensive change in shape is involved, a full anesthetic is necessary. In that case, count on a hospital stay of one to three days.


After the operation, you must wear a protective cap made of plaster, plastic or metal for one week. Swelling around the eyes usually lasts ten days. During this period, it is advisable not to come into the sun and to maintain a sitting position of at least 30° as much as possible. Bruises disappear after about three weeks. The facial skin and eyelids may also turn blue and swell. This is completely normal and should not last more than a few weeks.

However, the final result is only visible many months to a year after the procedure because the final, discreet shape changes and softening of the nasal tip require more time.

Periodic check-ups are necessary to monitor the healing process.


The results are only visible 1 year after the operation. In most cases the nose is custom made and the scars are no longer visible. The results are permanent. Compared to other branches of plastic surgery, failures and dissatisfaction are rare.


If the correction can be done from inside the nostrils, there are no scars. If more extensive access is required through the underside of the nose and/or the nostrils, there will be discrete scars in inconspicuous places. Any scars can be reduced by taking a multivitamin preparation and by applying rosa mosqueta oil.


In general, nose surgery causes little after-pain. If you do have pain, you can take Paracetamol, but not aspirin because it increases the risk of bleeding.

Risks and complications

Complications from nose surgery are rare, but they are possible. A radical change in shape can affect the position of the upper lip and facial expression. It is also possible that you may find it more difficult to breathe through your nose after the operation. To prevent this, you can make an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist before the operation to determine whether the shape you want is medically justified.

Infections are possible complications, but are very treatable. Bleeding is rare. To prevent this, it is sufficient to avoid taking aspirin and other blood-thinning medications until the healing process is complete.

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