Extra resistance with every change of season

To maintain our health with every change of season, an extra vitamin boost is essential for both young and old. After all, thanks to a higher resistance, we can handle much more. Echinacea and vitamin C, but certainly also ginseng and royal jelly are at the top of our wish list. Our immune system is put to the test day and night. With every change of the seasons, we must provide extra protection against adverse external influences. Definitely not superfluous, because that is precisely when our immune system is at its weakest, causing annoying ailments to appear again and again.

Healthy and balanced diet

We primarily maintain our resistance through a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, we give the resistance of adults and children an extra boost by administering extra vitamins, minerals and/or other nutritional supplements.

To develop strong resistance, an extra dose of echinacea is recommended. To obtain maximum effect, this natural product is combined with an extra dose of vitamin C.

Echinacea not only increases resistance, but also helps us to overcome a period of poor condition as quickly as possible.

Vitamin C, in turn, is the ideal remedy to prevent or accelerate the healing of ailments affecting our respiratory tract. Vitamin C not only increases our resistance. It also facilitates the absorption of iron and phosphorus from our daily diet. It is also an important antioxidant that helps us protect healthy body cells.

Good resistance is very important to stay in shape. The greater our resistance, the better our physical condition. With a high resistance and therefore a good general condition, we can handle much more.

Some people need extra resistance-enhancing agents such as echinacea and vitamin C than others. Usually during the changing seasons the same people get sick a number of times and are then forced to stay at home with some sort of respiratory problem.

It is undoubtedly important for this population group that they spend a lot of time outdoors. Lots of exercise, combined with a healthy and balanced diet, is essential for building up the necessary resistance. Silver rice, fresh (raw) vegetables and fresh fruit are highly recommended. Grated carrots, white cabbage, turnip and celeriac are at the top of the list. And sour milk products such as yogurt, buttermilk and cottage cheese can also work wonders.

Less ill with probiotics

The results of a recent study show that those who take a specific combination of probiotics have higher resistance and therefore suffer less from colds and fever, for example. After all, good bacteria restore intestinal flora much more quickly and thus directly strengthen our resistance. Probiotics make it possible to maintain or restore the balance of the intestinal flora. In this way, probiotics strengthen our intestinal defense system, allowing us to acquire more natural resistance.

During this study, it was investigated whether the intake of, for example, two types of probiotics would influence our health. One group of participants in the study was given a placebo for some time. A second group received lactobacillus acidophilus and the remainder received the latter, combined with bifidobacterium lactis. Everyone received all this twice a day for six months. Ultimately, it was determined that those who received a combined probiotic became much less ill than those who were given a placebo. If symptoms of illness were detected, they lasted much less long. Probiotics do indeed have a beneficial effect on our resistance and therefore also on our health.

Royal jelly

Royal jelly, a pure natural product and a blessing from nature, is also an effective weapon against reduced physical resistance. It contains many carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, amino acids, numerous minerals such as copper, iron and phosphorus, vitamins of the B group and biotin. Royal jelly also provides extra choline, which in turn provides our memory. Royal jelly stimulates our natural immune system, gives us extra energy and neutralizes most viral and bacterial infections. It helps us recover faster and also has a beneficial effect on cholesteriol levels and is also effective against anemia and depression.

No sweets and soft drinks

Those who regularly suffer from seasonal ailments should avoid sweets, soft drinks and refined foods such as white bread, rice and pasta, sugar and flour as much as possible. This makes sense when you know that all these products have been stripped of all additives such as vitamin B, calcium, zinc and chromium. Both sweets and refined food products do the opposite of what healthy foods do.

Due to the frequent use of these products, vitamins and minerals as well as calcium, iron and chromium are removed from our body. This can cause serious shortages. And it is precisely these substances that play a key role in extra stimulating our immune system.

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