Coconut oil against diaper rash and fungal infections

Almost every mother has had to deal with diaper rash in your baby. This is often solved with expensive and chemical creams. If there is also a fungal infection, antifungal creams should also be used. As the proverbial saying says, prevention is better than cure in this case too. And this is also possible by rubbing the buttocks with coconut oil every day. Cheap, easy and natural.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is made from dried coconut flesh. The oil is released when this pulp is pressed. Because more than half of this pulp consists of oil, quite a lot of oil can be extracted from a coconut. The oil consists largely of saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids have a medium chain length. The main fatty acid chains from coconut oil are lauric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid. In European countries, coconut oil, coconut milk and coconut water are often confused. These three are clearly different. For example, coconut milk is made from the grated flesh of the fruit and coconut water is the moisture from often young coconuts.

Different types of

There are different types of coconut oil for sale. The biggest difference is in the processing of the oil. The pure coconut oil obtained immediately after pressing has a melting point of around twenty-five degrees. This is also the reason why coconut oil in the Netherlands is usually solidified and is therefore often called coconut fat. In the tropical countries, where coconut oil originally comes from, the oil is liquid. When people talk about unrefined coconut oil, they often talk about coconut oil than about coconut fat. If the coconut oil is processed, for example by refining and hardening, the melting point will increase to thirty or even thirty-seven degrees. Of course, in most cases this is referred to as coconut fat.

Power of coconut oil

In recent years there have been many studies into the effects of coconut oil. Almost everyone used to think that coconut oil was unhealthy because of the saturated fats, but the opposite turns out to be true. Coconut oil turns out to be very healthy. Coconut oil can promote metabolism and the Lauric acid from the oil stimulates combustion. The monolaurin that is formed from lauric acid has an inactivating effect on many bacteria, fungi and viruses. Research into the effect of coconut oil on the Candida albicans fungus shows that both capric acid and lauric acid are active in killing Candida albicans. These can therefore be used to treat infections caused by this fungus, possibly together with antibiotic therapy for a longer period of time.

Diaper rash

Almost every baby suffers from diaper rash. This is mainly because the moisture from the urine in the diaper can irritate the skin. This can also cause mold to grow. This is a fungal infection caused by yeast cells of the Candida albicans species. This fungal infection can often be recognized by cracks, blisters or flakes. To prevent diaper rash, it is important to protect the buttocks from urine and feces. This can be done by changing the diaper often and applying preventative cream to the baby’s bottom.

Coconut oil against diaper rash

Coconut oil is able to protect the baby’s bottom. It leaves a protective layer on the skin without closing the pores. Because the oil becomes liquid when applied to the skin, it spreads well. Coconut oil is therefore an excellent way to care for baby skin. In addition, coconut oil can prevent a fungal infection due to its antifungal effects. Even if there is already red, painful buttocks, coconut oil can contribute to healing. This makes coconut oil a cheap and very effective cream against diaper rash.

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  • Coconut oil against mountain in babies

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