Sleeping and eating, closely linked

We’ve all heard that drinking a can of energy drink, a glass of cola or too much coffee will make you sleep poorly. A glass of warm milk, on the other hand, can help you fall asleep more easily. But what is really true? Which products help you sleep well? And which products make it difficult for you to sleep?

What you shouldn’t take before going to sleep

Some foods and drinks are better not taken just before you want to go to sleep. They have a negative effect on the sleeping process, and staying asleep or falling asleep after taking these products becomes a lot more difficult. Because a good night’s sleep is important to prevent both physical and social complaints, it is also important to know what you should definitely not eat before going to bed.


One of the best-known products that contain caffeine is coffee, many coffee drinkers have already experienced that too much coffee before going to sleep causes a disturbed night’s sleep. This is because the caffeine in coffee has a stimulating effect on the kidneys, brain, stomach and intestines. Caffeine mainly suppresses the fourth phase of your sleep, this is your deepest sleep phase. This phase is also called the REM phase. It is best to avoid taking products containing caffeine a few hours before going to sleep. In addition to coffee, you should also be careful with chocolate, tea and cola. Many herbal teas do not contain caffeine, so you can drink this before going to bed.


It has been said in the past that a good drink ensures a good night’s sleep. It is true that alcohol makes you fall asleep faster, but the effect of alcohol wears off after three hours. Many people who drink alcohol too much and too often wake up in the middle of their sleep, which means that alcohol actually disrupts your night’s sleep. The best advice regarding alcohol is ‘drink in moderation’.


Nicotine has a stimulating effect. There have been numerous studies showing that people who smoke have a longer sleep onset time than non-smokers. In addition to the longer sleep onset time, smokers wake up more often and sleep less deeply.

Spicy food

Spicy food can be very good, but it is better not to eat it just before you want to go to sleep. Spicy food increases your brain activity. Spicy food can also cause stomach problems, which can also cause difficulty sleeping.

Difficult to digest food

In the morning your digestive organs work a lot better than when you are in bed. If we take a lot of difficult to digest food before going to bed, this will result in half-digested food while sleeping. Food that is not properly digested can seriously disrupt your sleep. Fats and proteins in particular remain in your body longer than, for example, carbohydrates.

Food that promotes a good night’s sleep

In addition to food that can seriously disrupt your night’s sleep, there is also food that can benefit your sleep. You should especially consider foods that do not burden your liver and digestion too much, but also foods that can have a soothing effect on our body and mind.

Bananas, milk & dates

Bananas, milk and dates contain the substance tryptophan, which makes you feel sleepy but also pleasant. It is best to eat products containing this substance half an hour before you go to sleep, so that you are calm enough to quickly fall into a deep sleep. Other products that contain the substance tryptophan include: tuna, nut butter and yoghurt.

Whole wheat crackers and whole wheat bread

Whole wheat crackers and whole wheat bread contain a lot of carbohydrates, carbohydrates ensure that serotonin in your body rises faster. Serotonin is a substance that makes you calmer, so products containing carbohydrates can help you fall asleep easily. Choose a light snack or light small meal, as meals that are too heavy will make it difficult for you to sleep.

Cherry juice

Drinking cherry juice can be particularly beneficial for people who suffer from chronic sleep problems. Research has shown that people fell asleep faster after drinking cherry juice and also achieved deeper sleep faster.

Vitamin B6

Products that contain a lot of vitamin B6 can help you get a good night’s sleep. Vitamin B6 helps to produce melatonin, a substance that regulates your sleep-wake rhythm. You can find a lot of vitamin B6, especially in fish such as salmon and tuna.

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