Yoga poses – dhanurasana (bow pose)

Dhanurasana, or the classic bow pose, limbers the spine. The back is bent intensely backwards. In yoga, the spinal cord is considered one of the most refined tissues of the body. In yoga philosophy, a healthy back symbolizes a healthy body. Thanks to dhanurasana, and many other yoga postures with back, side and forward bends, the spine regains its resilience. Physically and mentally, this feels like regained vitality. The leg and arm muscles are also trained, and excess fat around the hips disappears. With consistent practice of dhanurasana, many back problems will gradually reduce. Nevertheless, it is important to first seek medical advice if you have hernia complaints before starting dhanurasana.


  • Origin of dhanurasana (bow pose)
  • Technology
  • Points of attention
  • Advantages
  • Health effects of dhanurasana (bow pose)
  • Therapy

Origin of dhanurasana (bow pose)

Dhanurasana is an important yoga posture and is listed in the Gheranda-samhita as one of the 32 classical asanas. Dhanur is Sanskrit and means (tense) ‘bow’. Asana means ‘(sitting) posture’ and forms the third phase of the eightfold yoga path of Patanjali ( Yoga-Sutras ). The completed posture from hatha yoga is strongly reminiscent of this weapon.

Basic pose
Dhanurasana is a basic pose and is part of almost all yoga courses thanks to its ‘simplicity’ and the many benefits that this yoga exercise has. In addition to the back, this asana is beneficial for the abdominal organs, such as the liver and pancreas. In terms of its effects on limbering the spine, especially the lower back, dhanurasana is similar to salabhasana (locust pose).

Dhanurasana (bow pose) / Source: Kennguru, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-3.0)


Dhanurasana is a basic pose, but nevertheless more strenuous than it seems at first glance. Slowly and with flowing movements, not every time with a jerk, go through the steps of the acclaimed ‘tight bow’. Don’t force anything and pay attention to how your body reacts. Go as far as is comfortable. In other words, always keep in mind that yoga advocates the path of gradualism.

  1. Lie on your stomach, chin on the floor. Keep the arms at your sides, palms facing down. Relax.
  2. Exhale. Bend the knees. First grasp the left ankle with the left hand and then the right ankle with the right hand, or vice versa. Relax again, breathe calmly into full yogic breathing.
  3. Exhale and use your arms to raise your legs so that your knees come off the floor. Do the same with the upper body. Keep your legs apart when drawing the bow.
  4. Place the head as far back as possible on the neck. Ideally, in a full dhanurasana, only the abdomen should bear the body weight (not together with the hips). Finally, try to bring your knees together. This is the classic dhanurasana.
  5. Stay in dhanurasana for a minute and breathe calmly. Then release the ankles and return to the starting position.
  6. Rest in Savasana or Savasana II (Corpse Pose).

Points of attention

Keep the knees apart during step 3 or you won’t be able to get the legs up far enough at first. Only draw the legs together once the pose is almost complete. Overstretching, and therefore cramping, is a risk that constantly lurks when adopting dhanurasana . So pay close attention to how the body reacts and do not force the muscles.

Back problems
With consistent and dedicated practice you will be able to draw the bow further and further. For back problems that are not related to fatigue, always seek medical advice before starting dhanurasana . This also applies if you suffer from high and low blood pressure and migraines.

OM symbol / Source: Brenkee, Pixabay


Thanks to the backward bend, the back ultimately becomes very flexible. You will gradually experience this as regained vitality . The abdominal organs also receive a firm massage with dhanurasana. In addition, the muscle mass of the arms and legs will increase. All in all, dhanurasana can be called an all-round yoga pose. A yoga posture that has many benefits and in days gone by has also acquired a place in the Gheranda samhita thanks to its beneficial effect on body and mind .

Health effects of dhanurasana (bow pose)

According to the classic yoga manuals , dhanurasana ensures that all bodily functions work together optimally and harmoniously. The pose focuses primarily on the spinal cord and stimulating the nerve centers (and the chakras and kundalini) located along the spine.


Dhanurasana (bow pose) has a therapeutic and supportive, but not necessarily a curative effect on the following complaints, ailments and conditions:

  • Back problems due to fatigue, stiff back.
  • Diabetes; dhanurasana massages and stimulates the pancreas.
  • Fatigue complaints.
  • Breathing problems, such as asthma and emphysema.
  • Menstrual complaints.
  • Feelings of fear, restlessness, stress.
  • Joint complaints (knees, ankles, phalanges).
  • Constipation (bow pose stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and digestion).

read more

  • History of yoga – hatha yoga
  • Yoga (asanas) for beginners and advanced
  • Breathing exercises (pranayama) for beginners and advanced students
  • Yoga poses – akarna dhanurasana (archer pose)
  • Yoga postures – urdhva dhanurasana I and II (chakrasana)

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