Toothache due to stress

Tooth pain can have various causes, such as root infection, gingivitis, a cavity (caries) or a broken tooth. But did you know that stress is also a cause of toothache? The pain is often palpable in one or more teeth without the exact pain being pinpointed. This makes treatment difficult: the dentist often cannot find a cause and nothing can be seen on a photo. Stress and tension cause cramped jaw muscles. This causes us to clench, grind or forcibly hold the jaw apart.

What is toothache?

Toothache is the experience of pain in the front teeth, incisors and/or canines. When the molars hurt, we speak of toothache. There is a big difference between a toothache and a toothache. Toothache is pain at the back of the mouth on one or more molars and often has a completely different cause than toothache. Molars are more likely to become inflamed due to food remains and bacteria, because we often take poorer care of the molars.

Every adult has 12 teeth: 6 in the upper jaw and 6 in the lower jaw. Each jaw consists of 4 incisors and 2 canines. In addition, adult teeth contain another 4 false molars, 2 molars and 2 wisdom teeth per jaw. Not everyone’s wisdom teeth come through.

Symptoms of toothache

Toothache is an unpleasant sensation. The pain may be present when pressure is placed on the tooth such as during chewing. Cold and heat can aggravate or provoke the pain. In addition, the toothache can also be present without pressure. This may be a throbbing, aching pain. Periods of pain and no pain can alternate. Sometimes the pain is at its worst in the morning or in the evening.

Toothache due to stress

Several causes can be responsible for toothache. For example, inflammation in or around the tooth is a common cause. This inflammation is often caused by poor dental care. Caries (cavities) or gum disease can cause tooth pain. Without further treatment, the tooth root can be damaged. The adjacent teeth and molars can also be affected. In an advanced stage, the tooth can be lost.

Stress is a phenomenon that can cause toothache. Stress is emotional and mental tension. Everyone has to deal with stress sometimes. This is often short-lived. Stress causes a stress response. The hormones adrenaline and norandrenaline are released in the body. This allows us to fight and flee. Roughly speaking, the following happens in our body during stress:

  • Heart rate increases and blood pressure increases (high blood pressure)
  • More oxygen-rich blood flows to the heart, brain and muscles
  • Breathing speeds up
  • Digestion is slowed down and the intestines are sometimes emptied quickly
  • To sweat
  • The production of cortisol starts and provides more immediate energy

In ancient times, the stress response allowed us to keep ourselves safe. In our current society, a stress response is rarely necessary. Because there is no action from the stress response, the stress level remains elevated. We are also under pressure and tension too often, which keeps our stress levels elevated. This causes all kinds of physical and mental complaints:

  • Raised blood pressure
  • Problems sleeping
  • Headache
  • Concentration disorders
  • Bad living habits
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Chestpain
  • Backache
  • Joint pain

In addition to various forms of pain, tooth pain due to stress is also indicated.

How does this pain arise during stress?

Anyone who has previously suffered from toothache will notice that it worsens during times of stress. This is because stress, tension and anxiety actually contribute to various complaints. The immune system is affected by stress and pain becomes noticeable earlier.

A dormant inflammation at a root tip is suppressed with good immunity. During times of stress, our body’s defenses drop. Complaints such as tooth pain then arise again. People often notice this because the pain is only present during stress and disappears as soon as they feel good. Treatment consists of administering antibiotics. A root canal treatment is often necessary.

Clamping causes pain

Most people with stress unconsciously clench their jaws. This can be during the day or during sleep. A combination of both is also possible. Often this problem remains hidden for a long time. People who have been clenching for years see wear and tear on their teeth. It is also possible that pain occurs in one or more teeth. This pain can be especially felt when there is pressure on the tooth or when it is cold or warm. The tooth is irritated by the pressure exerted on it.

People who often clench or grind their teeth in their sleep notice this because they suffer more from headaches, tired jaws or pain in the jaws in the morning. During the day, pressure can also be placed on the jaws unconsciously. The complaints are often present during the day. Jaw clenching or grinding cannot always be prevented. Some people do this temporarily while others are stuck with it for years or even their entire lives. The dentist can make a special brace or splint that reduces clenching or grinding. The brace also serves to protect the teeth and molars.

Tense jaw muscles

Clenching and grinding is caused by too much tension in the jaw muscles. This is often expressed by pressing the jaws together. Some people actually force their jaws apart. This also gives a tired and painful feeling in the jaw muscles. In addition, there may be pain through the teeth. It is often difficult to pinpoint which tooth is hurting. A gnathologist specializes in the chewing system. The specialty focuses on complaints such as sleep apnea, jaw clenching, grinding, pain and problems with chewing and the consequences of all these problems. You will often be referred by the dentist.

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