Allergic to cats: symptoms and remedies

Research has shown that thirty percent of the population in Belgium and the Netherlands suffers from an allergy to cats. Many people are not aware of this as the symptoms are similar to those that occur with other allergies or with a common cold. However, a cat allergy is not as harmless as it seems. In some cases, medical intervention is even necessary as cat dander can cause conditions ranging from ear infections, eye infections, asthma and even conditions that can have fatal consequences.

Am I allergic to cats?

In some cases it is not easy to directly make the link with a possible cat allergy when certain symptoms arise as these are very similar to the symptoms of other allergies such as hay fever. The only real way to find out whether it is actually a cat allergy can be done by a simple test.

Remove the cat from the house for a certain period of time and clean the entire house so that no lost hair or dander remains anywhere. This test is meaningless if this is not the case. When the symptoms gradually disappear, you can almost be certain that you are allergic to cats.

Once you have come to this conclusion, it is important not to ignore the symptoms and to effectively seek treatment.


A cat allergy is an allergy that does not necessarily manifest itself immediately after contact with a cat or when you are in the same room. The allergic reaction can manifest itself after a few minutes, hours, days or even after several years, even if you come into contact with your beloved pet on a daily basis.

Some of the most common allergy symptoms include sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, and sore throat. Just like with other allergies, the symptoms of a cat allergy can occur in different forms. The symptoms include:

  • Swollen eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Cough
  • Tinnitus
  • Stuffy nose
  • Throat irritation
  • Skin rash
  • Breathing problems

Regardless of the symptoms you experience, it is important that you identify that your cat could be the possible culprit so that you can address the problem. If you actually determine that you suffer from a cat allergy, this does not necessarily mean that you have to say goodbye to your beloved pet for good. Rather, it means that you can look for a way to learn to deal with this allergy.

Dealing with a cat allergy

If you discover that you or one of your housemates has an allergic reaction to the presence of your beloved cat, this can cause a difficult situation, especially if you have already become attached to your favorite pet and you wouldn’t buy it for the world. put away. Fortunately, most cat allergies can be treated to a point where even these people can own a cat despite the allergy.

Many people think they are allergic to cat hair. This is a big misconception since saliva and dander are the main culprits. Using different types of shampoo and wipes helps to rid your cat of dander, making it possible to keep your allergy perfectly under control.

Allergy shots

It is also a good idea to visit a doctor. This will determine whether you are eligible for allergy shots or also known as immunization therapy. However, such allergy shots do not work for everyone and it can take years before a noticeable improvement is seen. The advantage here is that you will be permanently freed from all the discomfort associated with your allergy.


Fortunately, there are also simple medications that can perfectly control the symptoms of cat allergies, including Zyrtec and Singulair. The only disadvantage with such medication is its temporary nature. When the effect of the medication decreases, the symptoms will also return.

If you have problems with your breathing or suffer from severe hives, it is important to find a cat-free environment or even seek medical help. The symptoms of an allergy can occur very quickly and, in the worst case, lead to anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

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