Losing weight: The tapeworm diet

It is undeniable that people are capable of extreme measures in a desperate attempt to lose those extra pounds, but ingesting tapeworms for weight loss is not only a radical method but also a very dangerous one. Fortunately, using tapeworms as a diet is illegal in Europe and for good reasons. Tapeworm infestation can result in the formation of cysts in the liver, eyes, brain and spinal cord with potentially fatal consequences. Many years ago it was common for the human body to have a variety of worms. Diet, hygiene and other lifestyle changes have led to the elimination of most, if not all, worms in the body in developed countries.

Now some believe that our bodies have not evolved to a point where they are used to being worm free. Therefore, our bodies are still in the process of searching for the worms that have been inhabiting our bodies all this time. But they are no longer present. This means that the body becomes more sensitive to other foreign materials that create an imbalance in the immune system. This immune system is responsible for the conditions that are currently known in society, for example: the common forms of allergies, such as psoriasis, hay fever, etc. At least this is the theory.

Don’t introduce just any worm into the human body, but specific worms that help keep the immune system in balance.

Infection by tapeworm

The traditional way to become infected with a tapeworm is by eating raw meat, coming into contact with contaminated feces and other foods that contain tapeworm.

The life cycle of the tapeworm

After ingesting the tapeworm, it makes its way through the digestive system, attaches itself and begins feeding. Eventually it will make its way out of the body through the feces. This is a very unpleasant experience, both physically and psychologically. People are advised to take medications* to limit the lifespan of the tapeworm so that it has already died when it is removed from the body.

Characteristics of the tapeworm

  • Tapeworms are ribbon-shaped, usually white or yellowish and divided into short segments, proglottids, which are short and wide or narrow and long.
  • An adult tapeworm can grow between two and ten meters in length and have a lifespan of 25 years.
  • The tapeworm is hermaphroditic; self-fertilization occurs.

The two most common types in humans:

  • pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)
  • beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata)

The tapeworm diet

Introducing tapeworm into the body means that the food you eat is divided between your own body and that of the tapeworm. You are a host and the tapeworm uses suckers to feed your stomach and the food you eat. To lose calories, one usually has to expend energy through exercise. The tapeworm is an additional means to reduce the amount of calories you take in, without reducing the number of calories you consume. Tapeworm advocates will praise the diet that allows them to eat whatever they want and still lose weight.

Although it is not possible to legally follow the tapeworm diet in most countries, it is offered in some places in Mexico. A treatment there can easily cost $1,500. When you arrive at the treatment center, you will be given beef tapeworm cysts that have been identified microscopically. This is vital because some cows harbor pig tapeworms, which are very dangerous.

The tapeworm interferes with your digestion and nutrient absorption, meaning you can consume more calories and still lose weight. But the parasite also ensures that vitamins and other important nutrients are not absorbed, which could lead to a nutritional deficiency.

According to some scientists, tapeworm infestation can result in a loss of one to two pounds per week. Once the desired weight loss is achieved, an antibiotic is given, which kills the tapeworm so it can be expelled.

Benefits of The Tapeworm Diet

  • Weight loss is very likely.
  • Some scientists believe that tapeworms can also help relieve allergies such as hay fever.

Disadvantages of the tapeworm diet

Ingesting a tapeworm essentially means infecting your body with an unknown living organism and the body will try to fight it. Tapeworms are not intelligent or obedient, not only will they stay in your stomach, it is also possible for the tapeworm to travel through your blood to other parts of your body, even to your brain.

Other disadvantages:

  • Extremely dangerous, it can lead to unpleasant side effects and in some cases it can even be fatal.
  • Weight gain is likely once the tapeworm is expelled.
  • Tapeworms can lead to a swollen stomach, which is not physically attractive and therefore does not produce the desired results.
  • The treatment is expensive and will also incur travel costs as it is not available in most countries.


It goes without saying that the tapeworm diet is very risky and can lead to a large number of unwanted side effects and even death. In addition, for all dieters, the weight lost if they continue with the same dietary habits is likely to gain back after the tapeworm is expelled.

Dieters are advised to stick to proven dieting methods, such as consuming fewer calories and increasing physical activity, rather than risking their lives with a tapeworm diet where the technique is harmful and unlikely to produce positive results in the long term .

* The medicine required can only be obtained with a prescription. This concerns niclosamide (Yomesan), tablets of 500 mg. The treatment consists of taking it once. Children up to 2 years 1 tablet, up to 6 years 2 tablets, older children and adults 4 tablets.

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