Beauty: Your hands as an eye-catcher

There are professions where your hands are your “trademark”, where your hands are in plain sight and where care is important. Many people pay attention to this, but not everyone is aware of it and then there is also the group of people who are not really concerned with it. In the latter case, it may have some detriment to what you are doing (professionally). How can you be good for your hands in a simple way?


Not everyone is looking forward to having to work with their hands extensively and on a regular basis, and there is something to be said for that. That does not alter the fact that you can have well-groomed hands with some simple means. Professions where the hands are often visible and where people are “looking at” include:

  • At the cash register, the counter… in the store
  • The hairdresser, beautician, pedicure, masseur, etc.
  • The service in the restaurant or bar
  • The flight attendant/purser
  • Bank staff in the branches

and there are a number of professions that can be mentioned. Where the hands are conspicuous, it is important from a business perspective to have the hands taken care of. Regardless of whether you still find this important in your private life, or if you have a profession with less relevance.

The hands say something about you

Most people know that hands say something about you. But many people are not very interested in it and leave their hands alone. In that case, washing is pretty much the only thing that takes place. If you do nothing else, this can affect the softness of the hands (many types of soap dry out the hands to a greater or lesser extent), but also the nails. If you want to keep them neat, you need to file your nails at least occasionally (in whatever form). This prevents chips and cracks or splitting of nails. You can also remove calluses if necessary. There are simple devices on the market for this.


Hydrating means ensuring that the moisture balance of your hands remains at the correct level and this is achievable by applying a nourishing/hydrating hand cream to your hands after washing your hands. There are also some mild soaps that prevent drying out after washing.
Furthermore, with a hand mask, which you use once a week, for example, you can guarantee the moisture balance and some nutrition for the hands. There are hand masks that you apply before going to sleep and do not leave a greasy film on the sheets.

The nails can also dry out, which means that, for example, layers may loosen slightly, flaking may occur or the nails may crack/split. For the nails you first need cuticle oil. Using a brush or pen ensures that the cuticles remain flexible and provides some nourishment to the nails. It also provides some flexibility and prevents (further) dehydration. Nail polish can also seal the nails. This gives the nail more strength, which can be very nice, especially with weak nails, to allow the nails to grow. For women or men who want well-groomed nails but do not want any visible expressions, there is also a matte transparent nail polish. You cannot see this, but it does provide strength. If you want some shine but no nail polish, a gloss file can give the nails a nice shine. Do not use this too often, because then you make the nail thinner and it can break off more easily.

What is “not done”?

What is not done are mourning edges . You can at least have the decency to keep your hands tidy from a business perspective. Furthermore, crumbling nails are unkempt and sometimes even dirty. After all, anything can get stuck behind it.

Dirty hands are of course not done. Being fresh and well-groomed is also a measure of respect for the man or woman you have in front of you in a business sense. Moreover, nowadays it is part of general care.

Too much can also not be done, because nails with an entire work of art can be too distracting or not neutral enough, which is always experienced as pleasant in a business setting. Very long nails are not always desirable or even inconvenient. Make sure you have the nails at a length that you can easily fill in with, for example, a glass file.


A well-groomed hand is not a hand that needs to be manicured at a significant cost, but it is one that is washed and fresh. Well-groomed nails always do well and that completes the overall picture. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for your profession.

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