Aloe vera, a natural medicinal plant

This plant has been used in medicine for centuries for its powerful effect. Nowadays, many people use this clear gel and it has become a popular home remedy and is one of the best natural remedies of all time for various skin problems. Aloe vera also has an anti-inflammatory effect, both from the inside and outside. In fact, every kitchen should have a few Aloe vera plants. You can choose to purchase a real Aloe vera plant and place it in your kitchen. If you need some gel, you cut a piece of the leaf and the gel is released. You can use this gel immediately. But you can also buy Aloe vera gel in a jar or tube.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that you often encounter when you look for a medicine in herbal medicine and homeopathy. It is a plant with a versatile medicinal power for many diseases, ailments and skin problems. It is also called a miracle plant. The Aloe vera plant is mainly grown in the Caribbean and Africa, but fortunately you can also obtain it as a houseplant in the Netherlands.

Caring for Aloe vera as a plant

The Aloe vera plant has thick, gray-green leaves and a few short spines and is very easy to care for as a houseplant. He does not need intensive care. It is best to place this plant on a windowsill in full sun or in a place with light shade. The soil should be grainy and well moistened. To propagate the Aloe vera plant, you can pull off the shoots from the lower part of the plant. You then let this dry for two days. Then give them a permanent cutting in good soil, which consists of two parts compost and one part sharp sand, and this way you will have a new Aloe vera plant.

The medicinal natural effect of Aloe Vera

The healing power is in the leaves of the plant. The juice contains many active ingredients. The gel contains gummy substances that act as a natural softener. The gel also contains many anti-inflammatory substances and components that act as a local painkiller. In addition, they relieve itching and promote skin healing by dilating blood vessels and stimulating blood flow to the affected body parts. You get the plant sap by cutting the leaves and then collecting the dripping sap and letting it dry in the air. The leaves of the plant cannot be dried. If you need something, just cut off a leaf. Because of its versatile medicinal properties, Aloe vera is widely used for various skin problems such as small wounds and sunburn, hemorrhoids and insect bites, but it also helps with other skin problems:

  • Acne
  • Blisters
  • Dry skin
  • Dry hair
  • Age spots
  • Psoriasis
  • Wrinkles
  • Rash from shaving
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Heat rash
  • Warts

Minor burns and sunburn

For minor burns, you should quickly apply Aloe vera gel to the area, the pain will disappear quickly. The skin becomes moist and will shield itself from germs in the air. Cut open an Aloe vera leaf and place it on minor burns or painful sunburns. You will see that the plant has a thick sap. If large areas of the skin are burned by the sun, add one or two cups of Aloe vera juice to lukewarm bath water and take a cooling bath.
You can buy soothing Aloe vera lotions in the store, including at De Tuinen, to treat your painful, burned skin. There is even an Aloe vera gel for sale that contains 99.9 percent of this plant.

Cuts and abrasions

Aloe vera gel can be used as a natural dressing, because the gel dries quickly and provides a layer on the skin that promotes healing.


The Aloe vera gel combats inflammation of the skin and soothes the itchy skin flakes that often occur with this form of skin disease. Tear a leaf and apply the gel to the skin.

Acne and other small pimples

Acne is a serious form of pimples with an overproduction of sebum and can sometimes be accompanied by an attack of pain. In case of a painful attack of acne, apply Aloe vera gel directly to the skin. This softens the skin and counteracts the pain attack. The gel also improves the skin and heals it within a few days. The thick sap of this plant softens and cleanses the skin and combats pimples. Each leaf contains a clear, jelly-like juice, simply cut open a piece of such a leaf and place it on the skin.


The disadvantages of an infection with the herpes virus are sometimes painful and can heal quickly if Aloe vera gel is applied to the skin. The gel has antiviral properties and Aloe vera gel also dilates small blood vessels or capillaries, so that more blood goes to the affected part of the body and healing is accelerated.

Take orally

Nowadays, aloe vera is also available as a drink. The active substances in Aloe vera inhibit, among other things, the formation of stomach acid and the development of stomach ulcers. Other features are:

  • It promotes fat burning, metabolism and digestion.
  • Stimulates mentally and gives more energy.
  • It has a detoxifying effect.
  • Stimulates nutritional absorption through the intestinal wall.
  • Positive effect on muscles and joints.
  • It inhibits inflammation and heals stomach and intestinal complaints.

Take orally as a laxative

Aloe vera works extremely well as a laxative due to the latex in the skin of the leaves. This stimulates the contractions of the intestines. Yet it is not the best laxative, because in combination with too little fluid in the body and important minerals, it can cause severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Consult your (homeopathic) doctor for this.

Substitute for Aloe vera plant

If you decide not to use a houseplant, you can also buy Aloe vera products in the supermarket or pharmacy. The only thing is that the creams and lotions are processed, so it is different from the pure gel of the leaves themselves. Always make sure that the products include Aloe vera gel first in the ingredients list and preferably contain at least 98% Aloe vera. But when in doubt, remember that if you want to make optimal use of this medicinal plant, nothing beats the natural plant, the real Aloe vera in its pure form.

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