Lose weight with Ripped Fatburner

Ripped is a weight loss supplement that can help you lose weight, but also help you grow muscle. You can only get the Ripped fat burner at the Body & Fitshop online store, as it is this company’s own product. What’s the deal with Ripped? Can you indeed lose weight with it and if so, how does it work?

What is a fat burner?

A fat burner is a supplement that can be used for weight loss and exercise. It is important to remember that a fat burner works best in combination with exercise. Fat burners ensure that you will burn calories more easily during exercise. You usually get more energy, so exercise is easier to maintain and you can go further. The feeling of hunger is also usually significantly reduced, so that tasty cravings stay away.


Ripped is a fat burner developed by Body & Fitshop. It is a supplement that you only need to take one pill a day. Always do this in the morning and preferably just before or after breakfast. Ripped contains several ingredients that have a positive effect on your weight and you can notice this within a week. You should not take the pill after 4 p.m. This is due to the large dose of caffeine in Ripped.


What ingredients are in Ripped fat burner and what is their function?


The caffeine in Ripped ensures that you have a lot of energy, making it easier for you to continue exercising. You can continue exercising for longer and you can also push yourself to do more than normal: heavier weights or higher speed, for example.

Green tea extract

As you may know, green tea helps with weight loss. The extract increases your metabolism, making it easy to lose weight. The storage of the fat you eat is also delayed if you regularly consume green tea.

Green coffee extract

Less well known is the green coffee extract. This extract is extracted from green coffee and has a similar function to green tea. This gives you a better metabolism, but at the same time it also gives you more energy.

Raspberry ketone

Raspberry ketone is an extract extracted from raspberries. It has a very positive effect on your body. For example, it ensures that you burn more fat at rest, the absorption of sugar is slowed down, you feel energetic and you are much less likely to experience cravings.

Other ingredients

Ripped also contains Gallic Acid, Olive leaf extract and Capsimax. These three ingredients also ensure good fat burning and more energy.

Ripped and exercising

Ripped works best when you use it during exercise. Some people only take the drug on days when they actually go to the gym. After all, these are the days when they need more energy.

Lots of caffeine

Are you not used to caffeine? Then you may have some trouble with this in the beginning. The amount of caffeine in Ripped is very high and it is quite possible that this will continue to affect you in the beginning until late at night. You can also start taking the supplement every other day, instead of every day. Above all, listen carefully to your own feelings.

Stomach complaints

Many Ripped users note that they suffer from stomach complaints, especially in the beginning. It is very important to have a good breakfast in combination with this pill. It can go wrong on an empty stomach. A simple breakfast with barely any food can also cause problems. You can also take the pill just after breakfast, this can make a difference.

Ripped and health

Ripped can be taken safely, but if you suffer from health problems, you may want to consult your doctor before using this supplement.

Can you lose weight with Ripped?

Is it possible to lose weight with Ripped? Of course! Many people report that they have indeed lost weight and inches with Ripped. However, you have to remember that you also have to do some work yourself for this. Unfortunately, it is not a panacea, so sufficient exercise and healthy eating is very important. The pill can mainly be seen as a tool to help you get rid of your excess weight more easily.


60 capsules cost about 12 euros (June 2015). This means that you don’t even have to spend that much money per capsule. This will last you at least two months.

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