The three signs that tell you your purpose in life

There are no billboards directing you to find your calling or destiny. Few people know instinctively what they want to do with their lives. There is often a vague idea that they do not want to work for a boss, but most people are completely in the dark about what happens next. In his latest book, The Art of Work, Jeff Goins offers unconventional advice for abandoning the status quo and jumping straight into a life imbued with passion and purpose. In an interview with Goins, he shared three tactics anyone can use to uncover your calling.

Listen to your life

According to Goins, the best way to look to the future is to first examine your past. A famous quote by Parker Palmer illustrates this nicely:

“Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must first listen to my life to tell me who I am.”

The idea with this tactic is to be more self-aware about what you have achieved or not achieved in the past. You look for a common thread or pattern that runs consistently through your past. Of course, this should be in harmony with your passions and skills. That common thread should make you enthusiastic when you recognize it and will provide direction for the future. Goins says this review also reveals the activities and relationships you should avoid if you want to move forward, as they hold you back or strengthen your weaknesses.

Goins: “I don’t believe your past necessarily dictates your future, but it should inform it.”

Listen to your teachers

The reality is that no one achieved success or discovered their destiny all by themselves. It is a process that requires a team of mentors or teachers. Realize that this help is already available in your area, we just don’t always see it. Every success story is a story of several people. Some people consciously help you, while other people accidentally contribute to your learning process. If you are wise, you use everything. While everyone has a unique journey, life is full of teachers to help along the way. Your job is not to look for them, but to recognize them when they appear. Usually mentors or teachers are closer than you think.

Prepare for pain

There is a myth that once you know what to pursue, reaching that destination will be easy as you are in your power and can tap into your passion. Unfortunately this is not true. Having a direction doesn’t mean that you will suddenly have a very easy journey or that you will not have to put in much effort. On the contrary! If you read biographies of people who have achieved great things, you will recognize a pattern. Successful people also have pain, but they have learned to push through it and persevere. If you want to achieve excellent results and become the best, it is essential that you give it your all until you reach your destination. Regardless of the fact that it can be difficult at times, aiming for number 1 is immensely satisfying.

Just like with professional athletes and musicians, continuously improve until you reach exhaustion. Otherwise you will never achieve mastery. Sharpening yourself is not fun. Making sacrifices is not fun, but it is necessary to clarify your destiny and achieve it. The key is to find where your capacity and personal drive connects with the problems of others. According to Goins, you can find that connection by answering the following questions:

  1. What do I love?
  2. What am I good at?
  3. What does the world need?

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