Lose weight with New Nordic Chili Burn

Chili pepper can have a beneficial effect on fat burning and it is also effective in combating the yo-yo effect by keeping the metabolism alert when it tends to slacken. This is all due to the substance capsaicin, which is found in chili peppers. The New Nordic Chili Burn supplement combines the goodness of chili pepper with green tea extract, another substance known for its beneficial effect on fat burning.

New Nordic Chili Burn

  • Influence of chili pepper on fat burning and the yo-yo effect
  • Ingredients of New Nordic Chili Burn
  • How often should you use New Nordic Chili Burn?
  • Experiences with New Nordic Chili Burn

Influence of chili pepper on fat burning and the yo-yo effect

Various products claim to have a stimulating effect on fat burning. One of those products is chili pepper . The chili pepper, also called chili pepper or red pepper, contains the substance capsaicin . This substance gives the pepper such a sharp taste that you can sometimes feel like your tongue is on fire. Research at Maastricht UMC, among others, has shown that capsaicin can make a beneficial contribution to diets and can help prevent the yo-yo effect, whereby people quickly regain weight after losing weight.

The yo-yo effect is caused by the body adopting a more economical pattern during a diet. Fewer calories come in and therefore there is less to burn. Once you are ‘done’ with your diet and your calorie intake increases again, your body does not immediately notice this. It initially remains in economical mode and does not immediately attack the new, larger amount of calories with great enthusiasm. For that reason, the kilos come back extra hard.

Because capsaicin stimulates fat burning, you can prevent this effect by taking a chili pepper supplement. It keeps your metabolism on track and ensures that it does not weaken during dieting – which makes it more effective – and also prevents your body from weakening again after dieting, which means that all your efforts turn out to be in vain.

Ingredients of New Nordic Chili Burn

New Nordic Chili Burn from New Nordic that combines chili pepper with a number of other substances that can stimulate metabolism and fat burning. The main other ingredient is green tea extract ( Cameliae sinensis L ). In addition, the supplement contains some minerals (magnesium oxide and chromium picolinate) and vitamins (nicotinamide, calcium panthothenate, cyanocobalamin, peridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin and thiamine mononitrate).

The product is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance! In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended to consult with a doctor before using the supplement.

How often should you use New Nordic Chili Burn?

It is recommended to take two tablets twice a day for the first two weeks. After this, you can reduce the dose to one tablet twice a day. A box contains 60 tablets, which will last you two and a half weeks when you use it for the first time. If you continue to use it for longer, one pack will last you a month.

Experiences with New Nordic Chili Burn

Measuring the experiences with New Nordic Chili Burn is mainly done through reviews on diet websites. However, it is difficult to say anything about the reliability of these reviews. However, the reviews are mostly positive. For example, the product receives 4.7 out of 5 stars on the website Gezondheidaanhuis.nl and 3 out of 5 stars on DeTuinen.nl . The reviewers on Bol.com are less positive, who give the product only 2 out of 5 stars ( consulted in January 2018 ).

It’s probably best to try it yourself. It is available from 28 per pack of 60 tablets (2020).

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