Buy slimming pills and slimming products

Slimming pills and slimming products are plentiful. Yet it is not just any drug you buy. If you only want to lose fat on your hips and buttocks, apple cider vinegar, for example, will not get you far. So ask yourself whether you want to lose weight overall or just locally and then choose those ingredients that will help you achieve your goal. We will give you some more explanation here.

Losing weight or losing weight?

You are slim, but suffer from local curves and cellulite

Fat, water and waste products get stuck where blood flow is insufficient. If you only suffer from local fat deposits (for example on the buttocks, thighs or abdomen), it is very important that you massage the affected areas thoroughly several times a day (make sure that the skin turns pink) so that fat burning and removal of waste can be produced here more quickly. This massage also ensures that the ingredients of the slimming pills and slimming products will be better absorbed in these places.

Give preference to products that promote blood flow and are aimed at combating cellulite. Slimming pills, on the other hand, will ensure that you lose weight on the face, breasts and arms, while the fat on the problem areas will largely remain. Because it concerns stuck fat, your body needs much more time to break it down. Expect to take these products for between 6 months and 1 year to achieve visible results.

You are overweight everywhere on your body

Slimming products that focus on activating blood circulation and improving water balance have little effect on you. Focus your attention mainly on slimming pills that actually burn fat and prevent the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from your diet. Losing the first kilos can go very quickly. It is more difficult to get rid of those last rolls of fat, but with patience and perseverance this is certainly possible.

Slimming preparations and nutrition

Never expect miracles from slimming preparations. If you continue to eat fatty and unhealthy foods, the slimming pills you take will ensure that you do not gain further weight. The stuck fat, on the other hand, will stay where it is, especially if it concerns local curves and cellulite.

Ingredients of slimming pills and slimming products

Pineapple / Bromelain

The slimming component of pineapple is bromelain. This is an enzyme that is indispensable in the treatment of orange peel peel because the enzyme is able to break through the very dense network of collagen and proteins, making the skin more supple. The accumulated fats that cause cellulite can be removed in this way. If the fat remains on your buttocks and hips despite the many diets, there is a good chance that the right enzymes were not present.

Because the subcutaneous tensions take a long time to resolve, specialists recommend using pineapple in capsule form for at least six months. So you will not immediately see results. Although pineapple also has a diuretic effect and contains a lot of potassium and calcium (important for the metabolism of fats), it is better to use it in combination with, for example, green tea to optimize the results.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar dissolves fats in circulation, that is, fats from food or fats previously released by the body. It provides rapid overall weight loss, but will only tackle stuck fats (such as those on the buttocks and thighs) as a last resort. If you want to lose weight mainly locally, it is recommended to combine apple cider vinegar with pineapple or kelp.

Bladderwrack (or Fucus Vesiculosus)

Stimulates metabolism and reduces local fat deposits thanks to the iodine contained. However, the body needs a very small amount of iodine to function optimally. If you consume too much, it disrupts the body’s metabolism.


Caffeine doubles the speed at which fat is released from the tissues.

Camellia Sinensis (green tea)

Green tea (or Camelia Sinensis) increases calorie burning in the body and has a diuretic effect.

Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)

Strengthens blood vessels, promotes blood circulation in the skin and helps repair damaged skin. Supports blood circulation by stimulating it and therefore has a beneficial effect on the removal of waste products.

Gotu Kola also has a beneficial effect on moisture balance.

It is a very good aid in combating orange peel peel and is best used in combination with pineapple or papaya.


Chitosan is a fiber from chitin in plankton. It binds to the fat from the diet, causing it to be discharged undigested.


Chromium ensures better metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.


CLA interrupts a substance in the body called lipoprotein lipase that stores fat in the body. It also uses the fat reserves in the body and converts it into energy and that converts fat into muscle mass. CLA is also and mainly found in safflower oil (also known as thistle seed oil). Works best in combination with exercise.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia slows down the build-up of fatty acids. This is especially interesting if you eat a lot of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, cookies). Also reduces appetite.


Ginger ensures good intestinal function and digestion.

Gingko Biloba

Stimulates small blood circulation and regulates fluid balance.

HCA (Hydroxy citric acid)

Reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

Honeyclover (mellilotus officinalis)

Improves blood circulation and regulates fluid balance.


Iodine is often present in slimming remedies in the form of kelp. It improves metabolism and thus increases calorie burning.


L-Carnitine is an amino acid that plays an important role in fat metabolism. It transports fatty acids to the mitochondria (the cell’s energy producer) where they are used as energy.


Lecithin keeps the fats in the body in solution so that they are less likely to be stored. It is ideal after a heavy meal to prevent some of the fats from settling in the body.

Papaya (papain)

Papain is an enzyme complex that breaks down proteins and therefore aids in their digestion, mainly collagen, which plays a role in cellulite. The effect of papain is therefore comparable to that of bromelain and can be used together or as a replacement for bromelain.

Yerba Mate

Provides increased calorie burning thanks to the caffeine present. Also contains antioxidant properties that protect the body against free radicals (more of which are produced during weight loss).

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