Bruises in a human

Who has never experienced it? That you hit your leg and it gets a bruise. Some people never have it and others very often. Bruising is common. If you bump or fall, subcutaneous bleeding occurs. This can be seen from the blue-purple spot that appears at that location. The place feels stocked and can turn all the colors of the rainbow. Older people in particular are more susceptible to developing these bruises.

How can a bruise occur?

A bruise occurs because small blood vessels in the skin are damaged and heal. The blood collects under the skin. After a few days it is broken down by the body. This is mainly done by the white blood cells. They clean up the blood again. This also causes the bruise to change color until it is back to its old self. In some cases, bruises can occur suddenly due to long-term use of certain medications. They can also be caused by an insect bite.

Source: Julos, Rgbstock

Unhealthy food is not good for bruises

Eating unhealthy food makes you more likely to bruise. It used to be called scurvy. This occurred among sailors who did not eat fresh fruits and vegetables during long voyages. Nowadays it sometimes occurs in people with extremely unhealthy eating habits. But fortunately this does not mean that someone with many bruises lives an unhealthy life.

Cause of a bruise

The size of the bruise depends on the cause. Falling from a bicycle generally results in greater bruising than hitting yourself on the corner of the table. A bruise usually disappears after a week. Larger bruises may remain visible for a while longer. Fortunately, you won’t be left with anything.

Source: Mzacha, Rgbstock

Medication use and bruising

Painkillers can cause bruising. Long-term use of certain medications can cause bruising. This can happen with some painkillers. These medications, among other things, inhibit the function of the blood leaves, which are necessary for the recovery of any wound. This causes bruises to form more quickly after a small bump. Blood thinners can also increase sensitivity to bruising. However, you do not use medicines without reason. Sometimes you unfortunately have to accept the side effects, such as bruising. Always discuss these types of matters with your doctor. An alternative may be possible.

Source: Crisderaud, Rgbstock

Is there anything you can do about a bruise?

What do you do about bruises? A bruise after a fall or bump is usually not serious and will go away on its own. And unfortunately there’s nothing you can do to make it disappear faster. You can relieve the pain by cooling the area with cold running water or an ice pack. You can make such an ice compress, for example, by putting some ice cubes in a washcloth and carefully placing them on the bruise.

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  • Preventing physical complaints

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