Modified corn starch: What is it and is it healthy?

You often come across the term ‘modified corn starch’ on the packaging of all kinds of products. This raises questions for many people. What exactly happened to the starch? Why… Read more

Headache behind eyes: causes of pain behind the eyes

Pain behind the eyes can have various causes. It usually concerns excessive tension in the eye muscles, muscle tension headaches, migraines, flu, sinusitis, occasionally cluster headaches and only rarely does… Read more

Dye your hair or get a color rinse?

Fancy a different hair color? You can opt for a color rinse or paint. If you dye your hair, the color is permanent, and your hair will then grow out,… Read more

Erection problems? Natural treatments

Research shows that about half of men suffer from erection problems later in life. From the age of 40, approximately 40% of all men suffer from erection problems, and from… Read more

The different assessments in child development

A test battery for children is a test in which the development of the child can be compared with other peers. There are numerous forms and models of these assessments… Read more

Silver shampoo, how does it work?

Silver shampoo is used for blonde dyed hair that has turned yellow or orange, or for gray hair. It often happens that bleached hair has a yellow or orange glow.… Read more

Breast cancer, diet and alcohol: alcohol is not recommended

Drinking that glass of wine to relax is very nice if you have had breast cancer. Yet in many cases that drink is not very good for breast cancer patients.… Read more

Pneumonia (pneumonia) & Symptoms and treatment

The lung disease pneumonia (also called pneumonia) is generally caused by contamination with micro-organisms (infection), but can also be caused by inhalation of gases or particulate material (for example food).… Read more

How healthy are dates?

The date is the fruit of the date palm and it grows in bunches on the female date palm. The date is a stone fruit and we often see it… Read more

Dyslexia and its dyslexia types

Dyslexia is considered a specific learning disability or partial learning defect. This suggests that this disorder can occur in isolation. This is also true, but in practice it often happens… Read more