The healing power of lavender oil

Lavender oil is an essential oil that has been used successfully by humans for thousands of years. It is primarily a soothing and pain-relieving oil. You can also treat eczema, insomnia, painful menstruation and painful childbirth. You don’t have to be sick to use lavender oil. It is an oil that is excellent for a soothing foot massage. When purchasing lavender oil, it is important to ensure that you purchase undiluted organic oil. Of all essential oils, lavender oil is the most diluted with synthetic substances. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.

Essential oil / Source: Itineranttrader, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)


  • Use a base oil
  • Essential oils are widely used
  • Lavender for your peace
  • Naming
  • EEG proves soothing effect
  • Traditional use of lavender oil
  • Lavender oil and regular medicines
  • Scientifically proven sleeping aid
  • Contraindication and possible side effects of lavender oil
  • Lavender oil for burns
  • Bee and wasp stings
  • Youth pimples
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Insomnia
  • Foot massage with lavender oil for pain
  • Lavender oil for pain
  • Good for cognitive abilities
  • Massage with lavender oil

Use a base oil

Essential oil is a plant’s natural protective mechanism. We as humans can also use this protection mechanism. Essential oils contain a concentration of substances. One drop of peppermint oil contains as many healthy substances as 28 cups of peppermint tea. This indicates how potent the essential oils are. Essential oil should never be used in concentration. You should mix them with another harmless oil such as coconut oil. Extra virgin safflower oil, organic extra virgin sunflower oil, jojoba oil and almond oil can also be used as base oil. Coconut oil can be used to dilute oils, but in our region it has the disadvantage that it solidifies below 25 degrees. You can also use this disadvantage as an advantage; this creates a natural cream. Never try to dilute an oil with cooking oil or supermarket oil. You should actually eliminate supermarket oil from your life completely if you care about your health. Supermarket oils contain trans fats, very unhealthy fats. Peppermint oil is an oil that you can use internally. To use it internally, you can put a drop in a liter of water. If you put a drop in a glass of tea water, it tastes way too strong. The oil does not really dissolve in the water, but it does ensure that you get it.

Essential oils are widely used

Essential oils, also called essential oils, are found in all kinds of plants. If you peel a mandarin at the water’s edge, if you look closely you will see all kinds of oils appear on the water every time you remove a piece of peel. This oil volatilizes in the air, but it takes longer to dissolve in water. The volatile essential oil is responsible for the scent that the fruit gives off. When the oil is collected and placed in a bottle, you can use it medicinally. The perfume industry uses essential oils to make soaps, creams, shampoos and all kinds of other cosmetic products. In aromatherapy, essential oils are used to treat and hopefully heal people.

Lavender for your peace

You can use lavender oil as a massage oil. Lavender provides peace. It is preferably used for foot massage. You don’t have to be sick to use lavender oil. It gives peace of mind and stress is a factor in almost all diseases. By calming down you reduce the risk of contracting a disease.


The name lavender comes from the Latin word lavare, which means to wash or bathe. Lavender has traditionally been used in baths. For example, the Romans used baths with drops of lavender oil in them. In the south of France, clothes were washed using lavender oil to make them smell nice and fresh.

EEG proves soothing effect

Thai scientific research from 2012 shows that lavender oil does indeed provide tranquility. The Thai research shows that inhalation leads to lower blood pressure, a lower heart rate and a lower skin temperature. In addition, brain activity was measured. These metrics were compared to how people said they felt. People generally felt more fresh and alert after inhaling lavender oil. That may be true because the EEGs, the instruments that measure brain activity by placing 21 electrodes on the scalp, showed indications that the brain becomes more active in certain areas.

Traditional use of lavender oil

The calming effect has been used for thousands of years. Lavender oil is used both internally and externally. Internal use should be done in moderation. You can take three drops three times a day after meals, dissolved in honey, warm milk or herbal tea. Lavender oil is recommended for slightly elevated blood pressure, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, flu, coughing, cold sores, migraine, rheumatic complaints, stress, cramps, palpitations and allergies.

Lavender oil and regular medicines

Iranian-German meta-research from 2013 shows that almost all traditionally applied treatment methods of lavender essential oil have been endorsed by science. Lavender oil works well against anxiety and depression. It appears, among other things, that the synthetic drug Imipramine works better in combination with lavender oil and that side effects are reduced when lavender oil is used as a supplement.

Scientifically proven sleeping aid

A scientific study shows that when people are addicted to a sleeping aid of the benzodiazepine type, they fall asleep more easily if they use lavender oil after stopping this synthetic sleeping aid. Synthetic sleeping pills have strong side effects. It is wise not to use this at all and from now on turn to lavender oil if you cannot sleep. Lavender oil is inhaled to help you sleep better, but can also be applied to the pillow or put in a vaporizer.

Contraindication and possible side effects of lavender oil

Pregnant women should not use lavender oil in the first months of pregnancy because the light promotes menstruation. The oil should not be applied neat to the skin as this can cause irritation. Taking more than the prescribed amount of drops can cause a headache. Some people are allergic to lavender oil. People with hay fever or other allergies are especially susceptible to allergic reactions to lavender oil.

Lavender oil for burns

You can use lavender oil to help burns recover faster. First clean the wound with lukewarm water. Do not use cold water as it will cause blisters after a burn. Mix 1 to 2 drops of lavender with Aloe Vera gel and apply to the wound. You can use the aloe vera gel from a plant you have at home by removing a leaf and removing the peel; the inside can be used as a gel. You can apply the mixture every hour until the pain is relieved.

Bee and wasp stings

Wasp and bee stings are very painful. You can first treat these stitches with vinegar to reduce swelling. You can also immediately apply a drop of pure lavender oil to the wound. In the case of a bee sting, you must first remove the sting from the wound before treating the wound. If you treat the wound immediately with lavender oil, there will be no long-term pain. You can also use lavender oil for bites from other animals such as spiders and scorpions.

Youth pimples

You can treat pimples with 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of camphor. You put these drops in a glass of boiled water. You use this water twice a day to clean the skin.


Acne is more persistent than pimples. There is a recipe for this that contains several essential oils. You can use 2 tablespoons of St. John’s wort oil as a base oil. You can mix this with two drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of lemon oil and one drop of rosemary oil. You can also add 4 drops of helicryse and 2 drops of petitgrain to it. You use the oil mixture to massage the affected skin.


Eczema comes from within. It often has to do with a poorly functioning liver. Eczema is often caused by more or less fatty liver disease. Yet a two-pronged approach can work well. For example, internally one can eat liver-supporting vegetables such as carrot and externally one can mix 50ml of base oil such as safflower oil or coconut oil with 20 drops of lavender oil. You can gently rub the eczema area with this every day. For wet eczema it is good to first use aloe vera gel or tea tree oil before applying the lavender solution.


If you suffer from poor sleep, it is an idea to sprinkle the pillow with 5 drops of pure lavender oil. You can also use a special essential oil evaporator in which you apply 6 to 10 drops.

Foot massage with lavender oil for pain

A foot massage with lavender oil in people with pain leads to lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, lower breathing frequency, increased wakefulness and less pain. The reason it works on the feet is that many meridians or energy channels come together here that transport the active substances in lavender oil to the right place in the body. The experience of pain decreases significantly, meaning that fewer or no painkillers need to be taken. This is important knowledge as synthetic painkillers can cause many side effects. However, it is not yet common practice to use lavender oil in conventional medicine.

Lavender oil for pain

Scientific research shows that two parts lavender oil and one part marjoram oil plus one part sage oil can prevent painful menstruation. It also appears to work well for women who give birth by caesarean section and for painful deliveries in general. Neck pain, back pain, lower back pain and headaches are also effectively combated with lavender oil. For this purpose, you can apply two drops of pure oil or oil dissolved in carrier oil to the skin. For migraines, a scientific study reported that applying 2 drops of lavender oil to the upper lip can help. After 15 minutes, the migraine attack diminishes because the lavender oil aroma enters the body through the nose.

Good for cognitive abilities

Lavender oil was given to people with dementia in a scientific study. It turned out that after taking lavender oil, people have better cognitive abilities. It ensures that fewer errors are made in the mathematical calculations that the test subjects had to undergo. Memory also improved after using a vaporizer with 4 drops of lavender oil. The participating people also reported that their mood and state of mind improved.

Lavender by the Sea / Source: Kecia O’Sullivan, PublicDomainPictures

going forward.

Massage with lavender oil

Massage with lavender oil can greatly relieve all kinds of symptoms. In one study, women who suffered from hot flashes, depression and pain were massaged once a week for 8 weeks with a combination of lavender oil, geranium oil, rose oil and jasmine oil. A base oil made from almond and primrose oil was used in the study. The soothing and pain-relieving properties of lavender oil can be used therapeutically during a massage.

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