Is kefir healthy?

Kefir is a drink that can be made from milk, coconut and water. It features powerful lactic acid bacteria that have some very good health benefits. They can, among other things, reduce asthma and allergies. Kefir has more good properties, which are these?

What is kefir

Kefir is a dairy drink that originally comes from Russia. It is fermented and, like yogurt, is rich in good bacteria, also called probiotics. These good bacteria ensure, among other things, good intestinal flora.

Is kefir healthy?

Healthy lactic acid bacteria

Yogurt is known for having probiotics. However, kefir contains more healthy bacteria than yogurt. Kefir contains unique lactic acid bacteria. This even includes bacteria that can ensure that the body can better defend itself against infections. In addition, they can also prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and Helicobacter pylori.
In addition, the probiotics ensure healthy intestinal flora, which alleviates irritable bowel syndrome.

Kefir can reduce the risk of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis involves weak bones due to a decrease in bone mass. This increases the risk of bone fractures. Osteoporosis is common in older women. To strengthen the bones, it is important that you get enough of the mineral calcium. Kefir is a source of calcium. Kefir not only contains calcium but also vitamin K2. This vitamin strengthens the role that calcium plays, it ensures that calcium is better absorbed by the body.

Kefir is for people with lactose intolerance

Because K’kefir is fermented, it contains less lactose. This means that people with lactose intolerance can often tolerate kefir better. However, it is personal and not everyone benefits from it. It is wise to start with small amounts to see how you respond.

Kefir helps against the symptoms of allergies and asthma

People with a hypersensitive immune system are more susceptible to allergies, which can trigger conditions such as asthma. Allergic reactions are caused by inflammatory responses to harmless environmental substances. One animal study found that kefir can suppress these inflammatory responses, another [LINK2 indicates that inflammation of the lungs is also a component that kefir may be able to alleviate. More research is needed to see whether the effects are the same on people.

Types of kefir

Milk kefir

The best known kefir is milk kefir. It is therefore available in major supermarket chains. The fermented milk kefir has a similar taste to Greek yogurt. The longer the kefir is fermented, the stronger the taste. Various flavors have been introduced because there is a market for this, as these people prefer flavored kefir. However, all flavored kefir also adds extra sugars to your diet.

Coconut kefir

Coconut kefir is made from coconut milk or coconut water. Coconut milk is made from the hard white part of the coconut, which is pressed so that only the juice remains. Coconut water is the liquid that is already in the coconut when you open it. There is no dairy involved in the process of making coconut kefir. Coconut milk and water are both perfect for making kefir. They naturally already have carbohydrates, including sugars. These are necessary in the process of making kefir and to achieve healthy bacteria. Coconut kefir is sweeter than milk kefir.

Water kefir

Water kefir is normally made using sugar water and fruit juice. The water kefir is less thick than the above types. Water kefir is a healthy drink that overshadows soda. However, you do have to pay attention to the type you drink. Buy one from a good brand with low sugar content.

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