Healthy smoothie with all the vitamins

We are more concerned with our health than ever and that is certainly not a bad thing. We don’t want to gain too much weight or we realize that a healthy diet, with all the vitamins, is vital. Our body simply needs the building materials to function properly. There may be a day less in between, but overall it should mainly be healthy food. If it can be done with ease, we will not fail to do so… and that is possible with healthy smoothies.

Are there also unhealthy smoothies?

Yes, you can actually put all kinds of tasty things in a smoothie, which, despite a piece of fruit for example, does not really give the smoothie the healthy touch that many people enjoy a smoothie for. Just think of the people who add cream to everything or combine everything with banana or even add sweet seasonings such as chocolate. You can then ask yourself whether you are overshooting your goal. Such a smoothie may be delicious, but you should not take it for your daily dose of vitamins and an acceptable amount of calories.

Purpose of a smoothie

For many people, the reason why the smoothie is consumed is the convenience of all the vitamins in one glass, such as 2 pieces of fruit and 2 ounces of vegetables per day. It must be a combination that also tastes good, because the smoothie that is consumed with the nose pinched is a thing of the past.

Extensive combining

The smoothie has long been a kind of fruit cocktail with pressed fruit. Vegetables were only added sparingly. Only spinach was sometimes added. Nowadays, just about everything goes into the blender. We try all kinds of fruit and mix absolutely everything. Consider the following fruits:

  • Red fruits
  • apples
  • kiwis
  • avocados
  • pears
  • peaches
  • nectarines

We increasingly mix the fruit with all kinds of vegetables, such as:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Bok choy
  • Chickpeas
  • Corn
  • White or green asparagus
  • Carrots
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Cauliflower

You can mix anything (including superfoods* in powder or seed form) and nuts, but it is often a matter of trial and error. If you have found some tasty combinations, make a little more (think of one to one and a half liters) to last a few days. Very handy.

* With superfoods you may still wonder whether you really need them with your already healthy eating habits.

Skill serves man, right?

In many cases, the smoothies are made to ensure that people actually consume the recommended amounts. You don’t have to think about it anymore and that’s so easy. Secondly, it must also be drinkable, of course. Thirdly, there are also people who like to consume fruit in different ways – if only for variety – and finally, smoothies can also offer a solution if you have difficulty swallowing.

Exercising means taking in more

Yet many people in this line of thinking also ignore the fact that you cannot eat unlimited food. Getting your vitamins is one thing, but a healthy diet and lifestyle consists of more and that means not taking in more than your body can consume.

If you are a fan of the smoothie, you can also choose to exercise more. Perhaps not the most logical approach, but daily exercise is good or even a must (to have a healthy lifestyle). If you want to consume more than you use, and this also applies to smoothies, you can choose to exercise more. If you want to gain some insight, you can “translate” the pedometer into the calories that you burn. you can get in. You can always use this, but also add this to the smoothie. Fruit contains natural sugars… but they remain sugars and unlimited consumption is not the intention.

Don’t forget to chew!

The smoothie is generally accepted and excellent as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, you can also go crazy and live on smoothies. More and more experts are advocating not to give up chewing. After all, it also has a function. That bite in that peach, pear or apple is not that bad at all. However, there is still too little research that confirms the idea of sufficient chewing, but the feeling is clearly there. Let your own feelings go.


Drink your smoothie as part of your daily diet. You get your vitamins and above all enjoy the drink. You should not take your food as a necessary evil, you can enjoy it and therefore also that smoothie. In addition, you can still have a tasty apple, a brown sandwich, a boiled egg, etc. Enjoy, but as with everything, everything in moderation.

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