Naturally beautiful with sugar

Sugar is an ideal ingredient for exfoliating sensitive and dry skin: sugar is softer than salt but still has exfoliating properties.


Sugar scrub

To exfoliate sensitive, dry skin, mix a small amount of sugar with some olive oil to form a paste. First spray with warm water before scrubbing your body with circular movements.

Brown sugar scrub

If you want to give your skin an energy boost, try this scrub: mix one cup of brown sugar with half a cup of honey, three tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of fresh grated ginger into a smooth paste. Then scrub your skin with circular movements.

Hair removal with sugar resin

With a mixture of sugar and lemon you can remove hair easily and quickly, in this article you can read how to do that.


Facial scrub

By adding a tablespoon of sugar to your facial wash you can quickly and easily create an efficient facial scrub gel.

Honey sugar scrub

You also need to scrub dry and sensitive skin occasionally, which is best done with the following soothing scrub:

  • Spread a thin layer of honey on your face.
  • Take a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Rub the sugar into the honey in a circular motion until it is completely melted.
  • Let the mixture sit on your face for another five minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.


Hair strengthener

If you have run out of hairspray, try the following product to style your hair:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of hot water.
  • Let it cool completely.
  • Place the mixture in a spray bottle.
  • Spray over hair like hairspray.


Rough hands

Mix a tablespoon of sugar with the juice of one lime and rub your hands regularly with the mixture. Your rough hands will soon be a thing of the past.


Soft feet

You can get soft feet by mixing a teaspoon of sugar with a dash of olive oil. Rub your feet well with the mixture and rinse with lukewarm water.

More beauty

You can find more care with natural products in these specials:

  • Beautiful with natural products
  • Naturally beautiful with Fruit
  • Naturally beautiful with vegetables

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