Tips to prevent cancer

Cancer is the biggest cause of death in the Netherlands and the number of deaths from this disease will only continue to rise in the coming years. Unfortunately, there is no ready-made solution that can protect us against cancer. Yet we can influence ourselves to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Eat more vegetables and fruit

If you really want to work on cancer prevention, eating more fruit and vegetables is essential. More than half of all Dutch people do not meet the daily recommended amount of 200 grams of vegetables per day, supplemented with two pieces of fruit. Very unfortunate, because this could reduce the number of new cases of cancer. The anti-cancer effect of a number of fruits and vegetables is already known. For example, eating broccoli and cauliflower can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Taking a good multivitamin is always a good addition. Be careful with overdose.

Eat less red meat

Our dietary habits are responsible for many forms of cancer. Red meat has no place in an anti-cancer diet. Scientists have shown that red meat increases the risk of cancer.

Have a healthier barbecue

We all love barbecue. But keep in mind that wrong barbecue habits can lead to very unhealthy results. Some people think those black charred edges around spare ribs are the tastiest thing there is. But for your health’s sake, it’s better to cut them off.

Use sunscreen

Fortunately, skin cancer is one of the easiest forms of cancer to prevent. Use a sunscreen with a protection factor that blocks both UV-A and UV-B radiation. Don’t limit yourself to sunny days: clouds can also let in large amounts of harmful radiation, especially in summery southern areas. People with a light skin type need a higher protection factor. Consciously choose the right protection factor and, if necessary, ask your pharmacy or drugstore for advice. For extra protection, it is a good idea to wear a headgear, especially if the amount of hair on your head starts to decrease. Avoid the afternoon sun between twelve and three o’clock.

Suspicious moles

Check your skin regularly for new moles or changes in the skin. Troubled moles, change in color, itching, bleeding can be indications of skin cancer. If you have it checked on time, you will be spared a lot of trouble.


Unfortunately, we have no control over our cell division that causes cancer. In this case it is important to sound the alarm in time. Regularly examining your own body can prevent a lot of misery. It is important to regularly check for changes. Are there lumps that were not there before, hardenings in the armpits or scrotum or changes to the nipple. If you notice a changed situation, go to your doctor immediately.

Cervical cancer population survey

From the age of thirty, women receive a call for cervical cancer screening every five years. These studies are there for a reason. Many women do not respond to this call. ‘It won’t happen to me’, ‘I feel fine’, ‘I don’t have time for that right now’ are reasons for ignoring the call. In fact, it is a simple survey and hardly takes any time. The precancerous stage of cervical cancer is easy to treat, so cervical cancer does not have a chance to develop.

Just use that condom

Scientists suspect that some sexually transmitted diseases play a role in the development of certain types of cancer. For example, the hepatitis B virus increases the risk of liver cancer, and the human papillomavirus is linked to penile cancer in men and causes cervical cancer in women.

Stop smoking

According to the American National Cancer Institute, smoking leads to cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus and lungs. It doesn’t matter whether you smoke cigarettes or cigars: the amount has nothing to do with the risk of cancer. Not only the smoker but also those who smoke secondhand are exposed to harmful substances that can cause cancer.

Cherish your family and friends

Stress can be detrimental to the effectiveness of the immune system. People with a lot of stress also have all kinds of unhealthy eating and drinking habits. A good relationship with family and friends is the best protection against stress.

Exercise more often

Working up a sweat regularly reduces the risk of colon and prostate cancer. Don’t get around to exercising? In any case, make sure that you exercise for at least half an hour every day. Go to work by bike or walk the dog. Sufficient exercise contributes to the prevention of obesity. Being overweight increases the risk of cancer, including colon cancer and uterine cancer.

Talk to all your family members

As annoying as they can be during birthdays, they have information that is vital. The more family members with a history of cancer, the greater the chance that you yourself have a predisposition. If that is the case, there is no reason to panic. But you must have yourself examined regularly. You can also make appointments with your doctor to have preventive examinations carried out more often.

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