Common mistakes in a relationship

We hear it all around us: relationships being broken. Sometimes this happens with mutual consent, but it is also all too common that one or both partners have made mistakes within the relationship as a result of which the other is completely done with it. It is often an accumulation of mistakes and many people do not realize that they are making mistakes, or do it over and over again, so that the other person no longer sees it as appropriate. It is good to check with yourself whether these mistakes occur in your relationship. Try to prevent your relationship from being destroyed by these mistakes.


One of the most common mistakes you can make in your relationship is being jealous. Of course, a little jealousy is healthy, it shows that you love your partner and don’t want to lose him or her. But jealousy can also take extreme forms. For example, you may not want your partner to go out alone with friends for an evening, not be allowed to talk to the opposite sex and not have friends of the opposite sex. There is a good chance that your partner will get tired of this extreme jealous behavior and want to end the relationship. Consciously making your partner jealous also does not do your relationship any good.


Controlling your partner is a mistake that is often made. This includes checking his or her phone, emails, mail, constantly calling and texting, always wanting to know where your partner is, with whom and what he or she is doing. This can be very suffocating for your partner, so there is a good chance that you will reject your partner. Also, controlling your partner is a sign that you don’t trust him or her. In this case, it is a good idea to think carefully about your relationship and whether you really want to continue like this forever, or whether you would rather one day have a relationship with someone you completely trust.


Don’t be too dependent on your partner. When you let all decisions in your life depend on your partner, it comes across as if you are not independent and cannot stand on your own two feet. It is important that you both can have your own life and that you give each other freedom in the things you like. Every now and then, go for a nice evening out or a weekend away. Someone who appears independent and confident is much more attractive than someone who is constantly hanging on to you.

To lie

Everyone has a white lie every now and then. It is different when there is constant lying within a relationship. Lying only makes your partner no longer trust you and ultimately becomes suspicious, even if you are honest. There is a good chance that someone will make a mistake or you will become so caught up in your lies that you end up contradicting yourself. This will cause your partner to realize that something is wrong. Keep in mind that lies always come true and that it is difficult to regain your partner’s trust. Ultimately, your partner gets fed up with the lies and may decide to end the relationship.

Cheating on me

Cheating is something that happens in many relationships. Very few are honest about this with their partner. It could be a slip-up, but also an affair. When your partner finds out that you have cheated on him or her, you will have to work very hard to repair your relationship. The trust is gone and your partner is very hurt. It is of course also possible that your partner will immediately show you the door and that things will never work out again. It is of course best not to cheat and if you do want something with someone else, it is better to be honest and end the relationship. Have you cheated yet? Then confess it before your partner somehow finds out. Especially when you have an affair, you will eventually make mistakes and exhibit strange behavior.

Disrespectful behavior

What can be disastrous for your relationship is disrespectful behavior. This happens in many relationships. People are belittled, verbally abused and little taken into account. This is often because they are taken for granted in the relationship. If you are treated disrespectfully by your partner, you obviously do not have to accept this. It can even take such extreme forms that it ultimately results in mental abuse. There is a good chance that your partner will eventually get fed up with the disrespectful behavior and leave you. In a relationship there are two of you, so always treat each other with respect.

Do not talk

The most important thing in a relationship is talking to each other. Yet it often happens that this does not happen. This causes things to pile up, such as annoyances, emotions and problems. This can often cause arguments without you knowing exactly what the argument is actually about. Communication is very important, without communication the relationship will not work. If something is bothering you, or you think something is bothering your partner, resolve it by talking about it. This way you can share your thoughts and emotions with your partner.

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