Benefits of lavender oil

Lavender oil has several health benefits, including eliminating tension, helping to reduce pain, disinfecting the scalp and skin, circulating blood and relieving insomnia. The Latin name of lavender is lavare, which means ‘to wash’, because lavender has a clean scent.


Lavender oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant. This is most often done by steam distillation. Lavender flowers have a strong scent and have been used for centuries to make potpourri. Traditionally, lavender oil was also used in perfume making. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made from lavender oil. Lavender oil blends well with many other essential oils such as cedarwood, pine, sage, geranium, and nutmeg. Today, lavender oil is commonly used in various forms, including aromatherapy, gels, infusions, lotions and soaps.

Benefits of lavender oil

Insect killer

The scent of lavender oil is powerful against various types of insects, such as mosquitoes and moths. Apply some lavender oil to exposed skin to prevent irritating bites. Additionally, if you do get bitten, lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the pain and irritation of insect bites.

Helps with sleeping

Lavender oil helps you fall asleep, which is why it is also used as an alternative medicine for insomnia. Studies on older people have shown that it stimulates their sleep rhythm. When a normal sleeping medicine is replaced with lavender oil and placed on the pillows. It has such a relaxing effect that it can often be used as a substitute for traditional medicine.

Nervous system

Lavender oil has a calming scent and effect and is therefore suitable for problems with anxiety and the entire nervous system. Therefore, it can also be useful in the treatment of migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. The refreshing aroma reduces exhaustion and restlessness, while also increasing mental activity. One study showed that people who took the test experienced a significant decrease in mental stress and anxiety. As well as an increase in cognitive function when inhaling lavender oil and rosemary oil.

Can cure acne

According to dermatologists and aromatherapists, lavender oil is one of the best oils in the treatment of acne. Lavender oil inhibits the bacteria that cause infection. It also helps get rid of sebum and regulate hormonal manipulation. It can also reduce the signs of scarring as acne begins to improve. Adding a small amount of lavender oil to creams or ointments can greatly improve and even cure acne.

Improves blood circulation

Lavender oil is also suitable for improving blood circulation. It lowers blood pressure and is often used for hypertension. This means that it not only increases oxygen levels in the organs, but also in the brain. All this ensures that the skin retains its healthy color and the body is protected against the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis. The latter is known to occur if your blood circulation is not good.

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