Pain in your back? Causes and solutions for your back pain

Do you suffer from back pain? But you have no idea what could be the cause of this? Then you must first look for the cause of your painful back. That search does not always go smoothly. But once you have found the cause, you can start looking for possible solutions to stop your back pain.

The most common causes and solutions of back pain

Heavy physical work

Heavy physical work, such as in the construction sector, involves a lot of lifting. It is not about lifting one kilogram but many more kilos and this can sometimes cause back pain. There’s not much you can do about it because it’s difficult to stop working. One piece of advice is to take a break. If you are going through a busy period, you cannot rest. You will then use a different method of lifting. For example, you can use mechanical power to lift.

Sitting a lot

Sitting a lot is also a common cause of back pain. For example, by sitting in your car a lot and only stretching your back when you take a meal break or bathroom break. Or by pursuing a profession where you sit behind a computer all day. It doesn’t matter where you sit, but it does matter how much you sit. To combat back pain, you should exercise. Do this at least once a week so that your back can relax. If you spend a long time in your car, you can use your bicycle instead of the car for shorter distances. Having your back unblocked every other month is also a solution.

Wrong attitude

Sitting or walking with the wrong posture can also cause a lot of back pain. It can lead to a crooked spine, fused vertebrae, weakened muscles, etc. So try to sit upright in your chair as much as possible. If that doesn’t work with your current chair, buy one with the backrest that is as straight as possible. If you use the wrong posture while walking, you will also suffer from back pain. Therefore, walk with your back straight, your neck straight and your shoulders back.

Insufficient exercise

Insufficient exercise causes weaker muscles. The muscles will have more difficulty keeping your back in the correct position. This often causes back pain. Therefore, try to exercise more, this can help. Then do muscle exercises for your back and stomach. This strengthens your back and abdominal muscles and ensures that you automatically walk upright without effort. Walking upright ensures that you no longer suffer from a painful back.


Being overweight can also lead to a painful back. Every 10 kilograms above your natural weight puts 40 kilograms of extra pressure on your intervertebral discs. All you have to do is exercise off all those unnecessary kilos. This is the only way to ensure a good back. Once you have lost all those unnecessary kilos, you will normally no longer have any problems with your back. It is important to also keep an eye on the other points.

A mattress that is too soft or too hard

A mattress that is too hard or too soft can also cause back pain. This is because a mattress that is too hard puts too much pressure on your spine. However, a mattress that is too soft is not good for your spine. Therefore, make sure you have a mattress that is tailored to you. This gives your spine sufficient rest. Choose a mattress that is not too hard but not too soft. In certain stores you can test which mattress is best for you.

Prolonged stress

Long-term stress puts a lot of pressure on your lower back muscles, which can cause back pain. To get rid of the stress, you can take a weekend of leave. Go to a quiet place to release all your stress. You can always exercise more. Exercise is also very good for de-stressing.

Tips to reduce long-term pain

  • Give your back enough rest.
  • Too much rest is not good either, exercise enough.
  • Avoid abrupt, sudden and fast movements.
  • Make sure your back stays warm.
  • Avoid twisting and bending at the same time.
  • Sit upright in your chair with a straight backrest.
  • Keep your back straight when you stand up from your chair.
  • Lie down in bed by sitting on the edge of the bed and then lying on your side. When you get up, do the opposite.
  • Find out for yourself what your pain responds best to.

If you have applied everything from this article and nothing helps. Or the pain you are experiencing is nowhere to be found on the internet. Then go to your doctor who will be able to help you best.

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